Earlier this week, I heard about yet another parrot death following exposure to the toxic fumes of non-stick cookware. This death is particularly frustrating because this owner HAD heard the warnings, but didn’t take them seriously.
It astonishes me that some people still aren’t aware of this danger (for both birds AND humans) in this day and age, and it makes me wonder what we are doing wrong that the information is not reaching everyone.
But, what are you to do when someone DOES have the knowledge and chooses to disregard it? For anyone who thinks this is overcautious drama, please read the next paragraph very carefully:
If your bird is exposed to the toxic PTFE or PFOA fumes emitted by certain non-stick coatings like teflon, it is likely to die an excrutiating death as it suffocates in the fluids its lungs rapidly produce to protect themselves. The vast majority of birds die from acute edematous pneumonia before they reach the vet. Those with minor exposure that manage to survive suffer with lifelong health repercussions from the event.
This matter must be taken very seriously and information must be shared so that no more birds have to die in this horrible manner.
PTFE stands for polytetrafluoroethylene. It is known by the brand name Teflon. Exposure to PTFE fumes causes flu-like symptoms in humans and almost certain death in birds because of their sensitive respiratory systems.
A big misconception is that Teflon only offgasses at high temperatures. The manufacturers of Teflon (DuPont) originally defended their product by saying that one had to leave a pan on the burner over high heat in order for it to offgas. This claim has been proven false: they offgas at lower temperatures, enough to kill a bird.
The Environmental Working Group (in 2003) stated that nonstick coatings “could reach 700 degrees Fahrenheit in as little as 3-5 minutes, releasing 15 toxic gases and chemicals, including two carcinogens.”
PFOA stands for perfluorooctanoic acid (also known as C-8), a petroleum based product. It is a carcenogenic chemical used to bond the nonstick coating to the pan. Low levels of PFOA can be found in the blood stream of 9 out of 10 Americans and in their newborns.
The DuPont company, again in trouble with the EPA, was fined with the largest penalty in the agency’s history ($10.25 million) for holding back information about the toxicity of PFOA for many years. DuPont recently announced their intentions to phase out PFOA by 2015. But they haven’t proven to be very forthcoming about their practices so far, so I wont be trusting their intentions any time soon.
Green cookware, also known as “eco-friendly”, is cookware that is safe for the environment (including the environment in your home). Green is a HUGE word in the marketing world today and many things are referred to as “green” without having any real right to that claim. Buyer beware.
Most “greenware” metal pans are hard anodized aluminum pans that have under gone an electrochemical process that makes their surface very slick and resists foods sticking to it. It sounds scary but is perfectly safe. Its surface is highly durable – even moreso than stainless steel.
Other common “greenware” is ceramic or silicon based. Silicon is a natural material that makes up 28% of the earth’s crust. It is processed into a coating that is basically glass. While I feel that it is likely quite safe, there are claims that it melts at temperatures lower than those listed that it can handle. I have no real evidence of this fact, however.
Ceramic coating is the basis for Thermolon, and the coating used in “GreenPan”. The jury is still out on this product. Thermolon initially claimed the use of nanotechnolgy in its product recipe, but they later denied the claim blaming it on “over-enthusiastic copywriters” who thought it sounded cool. I guess no one in the company is reading the press releases – OR they are just another manufacturer which cant be trusted. Take your pick. A few recent studies have questioned the safety of the use of nanotech in cookware, perhaps that had something to do with their need to come clean.

The bottom line with “green” cookware is that it is still evolving and we will be learning as we go. We have options available now that may not be perfected just yet, but aren’t going to kill your bird. If non-stick makes you nervous, stainless steel, cast iron and glass are available as options.
When you are selecting a non-stick brand, make sure it is listed as PTFE AND PFOA free. And let’s not let any more birds die because of our bad choices.
Author Patty Jourgensen specializes in avian health, behavior and nutrition and has been working with and caring for rescue birds since 1987.
The new ceramic pans (I got mine from Amazon) is safe and better than Teflon. Less than $30
Which heaters should we not use? What about oil-electric ones? Do they have a special coating? Please, somebody respond. Thanks.
Until corporations set up independent testing and volunteer their wares for public results, just Clean the old way! Non-stick is a fast way to a dead bird. Generally, cooking up wind of parrots is a really poor practice. Cooking with parrots having access the kitchen kills birds regularly from landing in boiling water to toxic cooking fumes that humans are not vulnerable to. Bird lungs are Different, much more efficient than ours so that they are capable of flight and those differences make them far more sensitive to many toxins and substances. And bird minds won’t wrap well around the idea of really hot things. Partly as they have no heat sensing nerves. Which is why you test the temps of any cooked foods or liquids before offering them to birds. Avian vets see birds with scalded mouths and throats far too regularly.
I thought this was common knowledge ! ANYTHING unnatural is no good to you , to me , to our Animals , nor the Environment ! Geddit ? Xx
I’m not sure what they put in the Reynolds non stick aluminum foil, but I called the 800 number on the box before using it and was told that the product had been tested and was safe to use around my birds. I put my roast in the oven and 15 minutes later, my Cockatiel fell to the floor. I grabbed her up, turned off the oven and held her in my arms as my neighbor drove me to the emergency vet. She was pronounced dead on arrival. When I arrived home, crying, I found only more heartache as I went to check on my little Conure, dead under his water dish. Poor baby died alone. I wrote to this company, telling them they should have a warning on the box. They claim their product is safe and it had to be something else I used. I used the same stainless cookware I have had for years. I wish I had money for a necropsy and a lawyer so I could sue them. At the very least they should tell the truth when people call to ask. If they had, my birds would still be with me. I adopted more birds, but now buy the store brand of foil because I refuse to let this uncaring, unfeeling company profit from me ever again. This happened to me 4 years ago.
Why do we have Teflon anyway? My theory is, after the Navy figured out it wasn’t durable enough for their guns, DuPont had to find a way to recoup their investment. In marches the “Marketing Department”. The rest is history. You want non-stick? Heat your pan first (and it doesn’t need to be screaming hot unless there is a certain effect you’re after) then add a little oil(canola is my favorite because of its high flashpoint) , THEN add your food. Food sticks when put in a cold pan. I make beautiful rolled omelets in my sauté pan all the time. KEEP THE TEMP DOWN! I find that most people cook/fry/sauté at temperatures that are generally too high. Slow down! Cool Down! Use stainless steel, cast Iron (mine has become nearly as non-stick as Teflon), glass, or enameled cooking vessels. They can keep their Teflon or whatever they are pushing these days as non-stick. I prefer to use better cooking technics and above all I care about my bird!
What about old fashioned cast iron?
I lost about 15 Finches 30 years ago before I was aware of the danger.
I also know of a case where a person lost three birds because they bought and used these new no stick oven liners. Anything non stick I stay away from.
Another warning to put out there is that I recently self cleaned my oven, no chemicals at all and it killed my 2 sun conures. And where in the next room!
Since day one with my new friend I replaced all of my cookware with a set of 18/10 stainless steel cookware., I even changed my crockpot to one that has a stainless steel cooking bowl. Besides, changes are good and necessary for you as well as your friend.
I know people who disregard it! I don’t know what to say to them to convince them it is dangerous.
I was horrified last year when our beautiful Eclectus Parrot died tragically from the teflon lining of the oven when we used the ’self cleaning feature."…Upon looking on the internet, I read over and over NOT to use the self cleaner if you have birds in the house…Every Pet Store that sells birds should inform their customers!!!! (Sadder but wiser now…Carol Ann Sewell)
i have given away all my non stick cookware to non birds familes..i have bought the green pans from hsn and they do say free from all the chemicals that are so dangerous to us and our bird familes…
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