The Most Dangerous Parrot Cage Accessory

The Danger of Parrot Huts!

I am going to try to do this post without actually mentioning any brand names so as not to incur the wrath of their manufacturers. They tend to get angry when we trash their products. Let’s just say that if you google the words “hut” or “tent” in combination with the words “happy” or snuggle” you will get product results.

The parrot huts look like miniature pup tents. They are made of various fabrics and many are fleece lined. The interior is about 6 inches from the apex of the tent to the bottom – the sides are plush and comfy. It’s the perfect size for a small parrot. Many conures just love them. It is their place of choice for a good night’s sleep and they look cute as can be inside them.

So, the post that follows might be a big disappointment to some small bird owners…

These "happy huts" have two MAJOR downsides:

1. Many birds that use them become very hormonally aggressive. They tend to envelop a bird’s entire body – something that puts many birds “in the mood”.

*****To Get Educated On Parrot Hormones>>> CLICK HERE!<<<*****

2. They are also reminiscent of nesting spots just about the size that a small bird would prefer. These facts might bring the “mood” on during any time of the year, and they are definitely responsible for escalating normal seasonal breeding behaviors in many birds. Conures and Quakers are known for their cage territorialism and the tents are known to increase those aggressions as well.

If the above isn’t enough to make you think again about these products, THIS WILL: They are, without a doubt, the single most dangerous cage accessory on the market today.

Parrot tents have been responsible for more avian injuries and deaths than any other product type sold.

The problem is that they are made from fabric, which is also their attraction for a parrot. It’s what makes them comfortable and warm and alluring. Birds love fabric because it’s soft and pliable. Chewing on it makes it fluffy and plump and a parrot will spend hours manipulating fabric to their own specifications.

Some products are sold with fabric strips inside, sometimes marketed as an attached preening toy, that encourages further chewing. As the fabric is broken down, it exposes smaller strands that get tangled around legs, toes AND necks. When a bird gets caught in fabric strands, they tighten as the bird struggles to free itself leaving no room for it to snip it away with the beak. If the strand prevents blood flow for too long, the result is amputation of that body part. I don’t think I have to elaborate on what happens when a bird’s neck becomes tangled.

It can be difficult to see the level of destruction that takes place inside the small openings. Some people opt to continually trim the excess fray from the fabric, but they can’t control what happens when their birds are in their cage unsupervised. Dangerous fraying can occur in a single afternoon.

This was posted on our Facebook page just shortly ago:

“Just a word of warning to all bird owners, PLEASE re-consider getting any type of [parrot tents] for your birds (especially Conures, as they love to chew on them). I nearly lost my beloved jenday today in one of them (the soft, fleecy type). Her foot became caught up in the newly chewed threads, on the floor of it, and had twisted among some of the threads, and then she panicked, and got her whole head and torso caught under just a couple of the threads. I grabbed the scissors right away, and immediately cut her free, and was able to save her. She’s fine, no harm done. Actually, I was worse off than she! Permanent end to that hut in her cage! But…. was not so lucky last year, when my mom lost her dear conure to a very similar accident with one of those huts, it was one of the stiffer types of these things, that have red and blue cloth, over cardboard. She had chewed around on the front part of the hut, along the edge, and was going after that “one thread more”, when her head became entangled between the threads on the fabric, and the cardboard, and she strangled to death. She died instantly, despite our quick efforts to save her.”

The stories on the internet of similar experiences are everywhere. I know that it will be hard to take away something that your bird loves so much, but don’t make the mistake of assuming that because he has not yet begun chewing on the tent, that it will not do so in the future, especially when they get "nesty" during a particularly hormone driven breeding season.

It isn’t worth the gamble.

Note: As much as we wanted to share real photos from real people of their sleeping birds in snuggle huts, people felt slandered having their names on such photos that they would openly share on a facebook page so we decided to use the product pictures instead from stores that sell these.

Patty Jourgensen specializes in avian health, behavior and nutrition and has been working with and caring for rescue birds since 1987.

Check out other parrot accessories we don’t recommend in this video:  



Why Weighing Your Bird Could Save Its Life

Toys Instead of Tents!

Parrot Training 

Healthiest Parrot Diet

"Every Interaction is a Training Session."


    Autumn Morning Star

    I wholeheartedly agree! Any type of tent that has FABRIC on it is absolutely dangerous! Birds WILL shred this and become entangled. It is not worth taking the risk. Even the suggested baseball cap can become a deathtrap, because it can be shredded. Just ask yourself when buying a toy: 1. Is this made of fabric, string, or threads? If the answer is “Yes” then the toy is NO!

    Autumn Morning Star
    Name (required)

    An alternative I have found works for some conures is to place a perch high in the back corner of the cage and at night drape fabric on the OUTSIDE of the cage. I remove it in the morning. I have had no chewing problems and it does give the “protection” feeling of having the side and back covered from “threats” that conures feel is necessary for good sleep. Just an idea.

    Name (required)

    I wish they were safe, because they do love them so much. perhaps some safe alternative can be created? With grass and wood? Also be careful of rag mop style preening toys made of cotton. My lil green cheek had one and loved snuggling in it. Had it over a year, then one day he was making a funny chirping noise and I saw he had the treads tangled around his neck. He calmly tried to untangle himself but we had to help him with scissors cause he was only making it tighter. He was sad we took it away but he is safer, and got over it pretty quick.

    Deb Van Hooser

    My green cheek has a tent and a cubby. When he went through puberty he got aggressive maybe this is why? I will try the newspaper in a ball cap idea. he doesn’t like hands and if I try to take him out he really lets me have it now I know why. Thanks!

    Deb Van Hooser

    Thanks, really good to know, I was considering one – not now!

    shirley Martin

    I keep nest boxes on all my cages for my birds to sleep in. I have not had any problems so far. My sun conure male and blue crown male sleep together in their nest box and all my pairs sleep in one. They don’t cost any more than these huts which I have had problems with. I am a breeder and I give my customers printed instructions for the safety of their birds. A bird can get injured from a loose string or thread dropped on the floor, so be careful of this also.

    shirley Martin
    Susan Davis

    If these snuggly tents and heated perches were baby accessories, they would have already been taken off the market due to all the deaths they have caused! People, get over your discomfort with not wanting to stress your bird, they will be fine! How will your bird feel as it’s either dying inside it’s cage while you sleep, or chewing off it’s feet? Really, your bird will be fine without these death traps!

    Susan Davis

    Yes I had one of these in my cage my bird didnt get hurt but it caused her to lay eggs. Which in turn caused a hole lot of other problems to the tune of 5.000 dollars. I wish someone would have told me sooner. GET RID OF THE HUT your bird will be just fine without it. Thank you for getting the word out.

    Lisa Vaughan

    My U2 lost part of her toe after becoming entangled in a thread from her cage cover-she was impatient with how long it was taking me to uncover the other cages, and thought she’d help me. Then her toe became necrotic and she required surgery to remove the whole toe….Even those wonderful braided cotton perches can become a hazard—No loose threads!!! No zinc, either, and watch out for dangling chains, etc….it’s really hard to be so vigilant, but checking cages for hazards daily is soooo vital to their well-being. Thank you for posting—

    Lisa Vaughan
    Cynthia Nall

    Try boxes. My patagonian loves any box he can get in. I always keep a supply for him. Even my moluccan likes them.

    Cynthia Nall

    What about " nests" I have finches, they all have beds ,they are small fleece things with an entry hole. I do not notice threads anytime from them etc, but I’m wondering about aggression. Would wicker finch nests cause the same issue??


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