How to Bond with a One Person Bird

QI am the third person to have Chip-Chip. He has about fifteen words he says. At first he loved me and kissed on my cheek-rode on my shoulder,then one day he was on my knee and I leaned over to talk to him and he flew up and bit my lip. About two days later he bit threw my shirt and made my arm bleed. Now he wants to bite me every chance he gets. He takes food from my ...

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Making Your House Safe For Parrots

It has been said that parrots have the emotional stability of a 2 year-old and the intelligence and problem solving capacity of a 5 or 6 year-old. I am certain that if mine had fingers, they would be able to tie their own shoes. Like toddlers, parrots explore their environment with zeal and revel in new discoveries. Everything is a plaything and supervision when out of the cage is essential to their safety. You should begin making your house safe for your new parrot before you bring him home.

When bird-proofing your home, you ...

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