Update On A Galah/Rosebreasted Cockatoo With Liver Issues


Morgy in her sleeping cage.


A couple of months ago, I wrote a blogpost about my galah Morgy, who had just been diagnosed with serious liver issues. At the time, the exact cause of her liver issues was unknown. There was a large question mark over whether or not it was cancer or maybe fatty liver? A biopsy would confirm, but she was in no state to cope with that procedure. She was already on a good quality diet and so her only ...


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Does Your Bird Have A Pet?


Blue and Gold Macaw with Assorted Goldfish


There are times when it amazes me just what will upset a companion parrot. The smallest thing can seem to set off the world’s biggest tantrum. The latest cause for tantrums in my house just happens to be my pet goldfish.


I got rid of my outdoor pond. I got sick of fighting the wild birds, who somehow managed to get past the wire grille I’d set up to protect the resident goldfish. I moved my goldfish indoors, ...


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Are Big Beaks Or Little Beaks More Dangerous?


My three lorikeets love meeting new people and appear friendly but they're fast moving and capable of biting if provoked.

My house hasn’t been the calmest, quietest place lately. I’ve been catching up on a lot of jobs that have needed to be done, many of which are outside of my abilities and have required the assistance of some handy workmen. This has meant my birds have seen more strangers than usual. It’s always interesting to see what happens when a stranger is around.

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Have You Noticed Your Bird’s Increased Appetite Lately?

Umbrella cockatoo. Linus

I know I am not the only person that has suffered through another crazy spring breeding season this year. I hate to use expressions like misery loves company, but I have to admit that while Linus was threatening to use my body parts as nest lining, I was glad to have those around who truly understood my frustration. This year has been hard on everyone it seems.

Thankfully, it appears to be drawing to an end for most of my birds. While their behavior is only somewhat improved, I ...

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What To Do When Your Hormonal Bird Gets Mean

Bluethroated macaw

This season seems to be handing out more than the average share of hormones to our companion birds. Oddly, I am hearing reports of rotten behavior from bird owners all over the world – even in places where it is autumn and not spring. I wish someone would do some research to explain why this sometimes happens.

Why are there some seasons so much worse than others on such a universal scale? Is there an unusual atmospheric condition that is triggering hormones that we don’t recognize? And while researchers are ...

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A Bird Tricks Success Story: Meet Puppy the Black Cockatoo!

The momentum of success is powerful. Every time I read another success story of people applying what they learn through the Bird Tricks training program, it inspires me to work harder with and devote even more time to enriching the lives of my own birds. I hope it makes you feel the same.

I particularly love this next story about a resourceful 15 year old girl who got her cockatoo to eat his veggies, all through the power of flight training.




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