How To Decide Which Parrot To Buy

Owning a parrot is a long term commitment. Most parrot species might be with you for 20-40 years, sometimes more. Whether you are getting your very first bird or are looking into another species to add to your flock, you need to be educated beforehand so that you will know what to expect.

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Accidents Happen: A Conure Dies From Being SAT On

Phoenix 116

Samantha and her Green Cheek Conure "Phoenix". One of Phoenix's favourite toys were Samantha's tops. He'd dive right in.


Every now and again you hear a story about a bird that sticks in your mind and just doesn’t go away. It makes you stop for a moment and re-look at what you do with your own birds. This is one of those stories.


I received an email from a follower that many of you may know as a regular poster to the ...


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Everyday Foods to Save For Your Birds

My husband eats hard boiled eggs like they’re going out of style – he loves them for breakfast and as a snack throughout the day. So I make a lot at a time – usually a whole carton or two depending on how big of a pot I have available and how many eggs will fit into it.

I hard boil the eggs, then peel them and stick them into a container so they’re ready to eat for the hubby. When peeling, I ...

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Safe Metals For Parrots

Camelot macaws

Q: I make a lot of toys for Puffin, my african grey, by myself. Her favorite ones are the hanging toys that I string up with rope, but now she bites through the rope and they end up on the bottom of the cage and get “messy”, if you know what I mean. I want to use chain so she can’t bite her toys down but I don’t what metal is safe to use. What do you suggest?

Ashley G, Scranton, OH

 A: This is a great question because while ...


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