This should be titled: “How to buy the best veggies when you live in an area where the produce leaves a lot to be desired.” Welcome to Orlando! What a disappointment it has been to find this city so short on choices and quality. The Whole Foods here just isn’t getting the job done for me. The limited selection is often...
When my daughter was young and in school, I can remember a few times that I would wake her up in the morning and say: “How about skipping school today and going to the park instead?” Or keeping her up late on a school night because...
As a human being, I know how quickly I can tire of the same old foods, even ones that I love or know are good for me. There is typically a lot of variety in the wild parrot’s diet, so I try to change things up for my bird as much as possible while still...
I read an article in Bird Talk magazine some time ago that just aggravated me. The author, whom I have always respected for her vast experience, went on to describe scenarios in which it is okay to lay back in the care of your bird. While I’m all about making the hard job of bird ownership as easy and simple as possible, it is not a good idea to tell your readers, many of whom are brand new to this experience, the ways in which it is okay to ...
The coconut is another of natures little miracles. It is used both as food and for its curative properties in all cultures around the world. It is revered in...