What Is a Pin Feather?

Q: My bird’s head is covered with prickly little feathers.  Is this normal?

Janis K., Huntsville, Alabama

A: Yes, it is quite normal.  When a bird has a lot of feather regrowth following a molt, his head can be covered with...

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Selecting The Right Produce For Your Birds

This should be titled:  “How to buy the best veggies when you live in an area where the produce leaves a lot to be desired.”  Welcome to Orlando!  What a disappointment it has been to find this city so short on choices and quality. The Whole Foods here just isn’t getting the job done for me. The limited selection is often...

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Cutting Corners With Bird Chores

I read an article in Bird Talk magazine some time ago that just aggravated me. The author, whom I have always respected for her vast experience, went on to describe scenarios in which it is okay to lay back in the care of your bird. While I’m all about making the hard job of bird ownership as easy and simple as possible, it is not a good idea to tell your readers, many of whom are brand new to this experience, the ways in which it is okay to ...

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