Mixing Birds and Other Pets

Photo by www. picturesofcats.org

Bird lovers tend to be animal lovers in general, so it makes sense that we would have other pets.  However, dogs and cats, as well as other animals, can pose a great threat to your parrot.
Many or my pets have grown up in the company of birds. In several cases, the birds were there first and the cats entered a household that was already geared towards birds.  This helped to set the stage for what was expected of my cats, but in no way alleviated any dangers.  A cat is ...

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Bringing Home a (Human) Baby

Blue and Gold Macaw

Q:  My wife and I have a eight month old baby and a 7 year old african grey. My grey clearly dislikes the baby and acts aggressively when they are in the same room together. Why?
-Ben G., Santa Ana, CA

A:  Every bird will certainly notice the squirmy new baby you have brought home, but their reaction to them will vary from bird to bird. There are a few different ways of looking at it from a bird’s perspective:
A new baby brings ...

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What Parrot is Right for The First Time Owner?

Blue throated macaws


This question seems to be coming up a lot recently on the birdtricks facebook page and other places I visit regularly. I appreciate that people have the good sense to ask, but it’s a very difficult question to answer without knowing the person asking it, without getting a sense of the person or what their lifestyle is. I normally spend more effort trying to talk people out of getting birds than recommending a species to them.

Owning a bird takes a lot of time and work:
Are ...

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How Hot is TOO Hot for my Parrot?

Rose Breasted Cockatoo

Q:  I want to bring my birds outside during the day.  How hot is TOO hot for my birds?

-William B., Buffalo, NY

A:  There are many, many great benefits to giving your birds a daily dose of sunshine and fresh air, but climate and temperature does play a role and involve risks.  For the bird that is accustomed to being outdoors and has been able to make that gradual adjustment from season to season, it is more simple: watching for signs of distress and keeping water plentiful.  ...

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Natural Bird Safe Pest Remedies

It’s not even technically summer yet and it’s already hotter than you-know-where in Florida.  Along with the summer heat comes the insects.  Those of us with birds, pets and children know it’s especially important to reach a solution to these problems that is not toxic to those who might come in contact with it.

If you go to the supermarket, you will find shelves of insecticides and  bug repellents like Off.  Some of these products work really well.  Combat ant traps are great, but  they could also kill your bird should he gets a hold of one. A few years ago, ...

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Should I Use Soap When I Bathe My Bird?

Rose Breasted Cockatoo

Should I use any soap or shampoo when bathing my bird?

-Karen F., Hanover, MA

No. Not only is it unnecessary to use anything but water when bathing your bird, it is counterproductive to a bird’s natural cleansing process.  Most birds have a preen gland (uropygial gland) which is located at the the base of its tail.  When a bird is preening, it pinches this gland which then excretes an oil that is spread throughout the feathers.  This oil gives helps to keep feathers in proper ...

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