Should I Use Essential Oils With My Parrot?

Q: I got a gift certificate for a place that sells essential oils. Can I use them around my bird?

Deanna, C. – Saginaw, MI

A: The use of essential oils is an age old practice that has earned itself a valid and respected place with those who use aromatherapy and have witnessed some pretty remarkable results.

Not only can you use them around your birds, but you can use them to improve your bird’s general well-being and to conquer health issues – as long as you ...

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Parrot Safe Room and Air Fresheners

Last week, Mel wrote a great post which clearly pointed out the dangers of commercial air fresheners and chemicals in a bird’s environment. A cockatiel belonging to a nursing home resident struggled to breathe while being subjected to the fumes from a plug in air freshener and Mel had to come to the rescue. You can read the full story here – unfortunately, it isn’t an uncommon one.

The warnings about air fresheners have been circulating for some time and as usual, some people take them seriously and others ...

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