Flight Training CLIPPED Birds: IT CAN BE DONE!

The fact that the last two of my Freestyle Flyer students trained birds that were clipped at the fledging age to be their outdoor flyers (and fantastic ones at that! Check out Tango and Sunshine, two blue and gold macaws that were both clipped during the fledging age who still learned to fly!) inspired me to express this message even further: CL...
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How Consistency Shapes Parrot Behavior - REAL Results!

This session is definitely the one I've been waiting for.  We were having incredibly long training sessions due to the amount of time it was taking to get Morgan to step OFF of Patty. Why was this becoming a trouble area? Inconsistency = unclear communication.  Patty was constantly inconsistent with the step off. Examples: Sometimes a...
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Can Older or Plucked Parrots Learn to Fly?

I saw a comment the other day that really struck me. Someone said that because they didn't teach their bird to fly as a baby, that it would simply never be able to learn. I don't want anyone believing that about their birds that didn't learn to fly at the fledging age. Yes, a bird learning to fly as a baby is ideal, it's how nature intended, HO...
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Raising a Wild Baby Raven Right


Wild Galah, springtime, Melbourne, Australia.


Spring has sprung here in the Southern Hemisphere. In most bird homes, this means an influx of hormones and seasonal behaviours  but surprisingly that’s not a problem I seem to be having this season with my own pet flock. Instead, spring seems to be making itself felt in the wildlife rescue part of my life. Gale force winds and bird’s nests don’t tend to get along! We’ve had our share of them with the change in season.


Last year, ...

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Training Tips Taken Taken From Wild Birds


Adult raven flying in to his nest (hidden in the thicker foliage) in order to feed his chicks.


There are few things that I enjoy more than watching wild birds go about their everyday business. Lately, I have been lucky enough to have a pair of ravens nest within metres of my bedroom window. Ok, sometimes we’ve had our disagreements (any wild bird can attack). Generally though, I’ve been very happy to have them around and have made a point of scaring local ...


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Tips To Help You Recover A Lost Bird

Wild Rainbow lorikeets checking out my female lorikeets.


It’s that fun time of year again (here in the Southern Hemisphere). You know the time I mean? The time when your visitors see your lorikeet doing a hormonal war dance on your ponytail and delightedly tell you how you should hold still because this is going to make the best YouTube video ever… Sometimes it’s hard to like Spring! It’s easy to see why people are desperately looking for ...


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