
Different from the rest Not so very long ago, avian researchers thought that the male and female eclectus parrots were two entirely different species of parrot. That’s not surprising since they look completely different from each other: the male being predominantly florescent green and the female bright red and blue. They are one of very few co...
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Amazon Parrots

Have you ever seen one of those talent shows on TV that showcases animals with extraordinary abilities? If you have, you are already familiar with the amazing talking and singing abilities of the amazon parrot. The budgie might hold the record for the largest vocabulary- yes, you read that right!- and the African grey might have the most develo...
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Talking Parrots Can’t Keep Your Secrets

Pepi, he's all innocence in the shower!


You can’t have secrets when you have parrots. Even when you think they can’t hear you or aren’t listening, you have to be careful about what you say. I’ve learned this the hard way more than once.
I was a bridesmaid at a wedding about a year ago. The bride and groom had been living together for a while, so it was one of those situations where they didn’t need household themed ...

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Does Your Bird Use Light to Communicate?

Otto's "I see a threat!!!!" pose.

When I took on Otto (my musk lorikeet), I was expecting major behavioural problems. He was a re-homing case, which is very different from a rescue. He came to me because he didn’t fit in with his family and their lifestyle. He had serious behavioural issues and was inflicting some pretty serious injuries on his humans. They’d dealt with his health issues, they’d bought vet-recommended training courses but he was still completely unreadable ...

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Another Parrot Saved!



Yes, this is the SAME Amazon Parrot we got over 60 days ago, that was weighing a whopping 580 grams, severely obese, malnourished, sleep deprived, aggressive, and the list goes on…


Can you believe that the bird in the photo above is that same bird? I know I can’t!


We took his flight training to a new level and created Storm into a free flighted parrot. He is now ascending with no problem, has more energy in flight training than we do, and has started to work on his turning abilities and more. ...

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