Controlling Seasonal Bird Noise


Male King Parrot. He nests close to my house and is constantly talking to my Eclectus from this tree. (Pepi taught him to talk by yelling “Hello” over and over when he was nesting here a few years ago).

When the warmer months come, there is one difficult part about living where your pet birds also live wild. That problem? Noise!

Every year, as spring arrives – the increase in wild bird visitors to my place is significant. Sometimes they come as a flock and ...


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Should I Increase The Humidity For My Sub-tropical Parrot Species?

Q – I have a blue and gold macaw which comes from the rainforest in South America. Since it is very humid there, how much should I raise the humidity in my bird room?

– Norman H., Missoula, MO

A – This is a great question and the answer is surprisingly simple. It goes hand in hand with a very commonly asked question: “how warm should I keep my bird room?”

These questions arise based ...


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Calcium Deficiency: A Big Problem For Parrots

Camelot macaw

Camelot macaw

I rely heavily on my bird’s healthy diet. It has taken years to get some of my more difficult birds to eat the foods I want them to with consistency. However, it has proven to be the most worthwhile effort I have ever put into my birds. I have always firmly believed that proper diet will maintain the appropriate balance for a healthy bird. A good diet is the first line of defense against disease ...

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Zaza, the Senegal Parrot

Senegal parrot, Zaza.

Senegal parrot, Zaza.

I still remember browsing through ads online when I found Zaza’s ad. Just a simple “tame parrot for sale (asking $$$) with cage”. Nothing special. Now usually I send them an email on behalf of Brainy Birds and offer to assist them with finding their birds a new home. Sometimes they prefer to have the birds come live at the rescue. Which happened to be the case with this one. I sent ...

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Raising a Wild Baby Raven Right


Wild Galah, springtime, Melbourne, Australia.


Spring has sprung here in the Southern Hemisphere. In most bird homes, this means an influx of hormones and seasonal behaviours  but surprisingly that’s not a problem I seem to be having this season with my own pet flock. Instead, spring seems to be making itself felt in the wildlife rescue part of my life. Gale force winds and bird’s nests don’t tend to get along! We’ve had our share of them with the change in season.


Last year, ...

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