Flies on Parrots

My elderly galah, Cocky Boy definitely prefers my mother to me. He loves her so much it is sickening, she can get away with anything. I’m allowed to cuddle him to but he always holds himself a lot more tensely around me. As it turns out, there’s an advantage to that.

The other day, I ran my hand down Cocky Boy’s back in a patting motion. He tensed and what I thought was a little brown jumping spider, ran out from under his wing, lunged at my hand then disappeared – all in a split second. It was so fast, ...

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Natural Bird Safe Pest Remedies

It’s not even technically summer yet and it’s already hotter than you-know-where in Florida.  Along with the summer heat comes the insects.  Those of us with birds, pets and children know it’s especially important to reach a solution to these problems that is not toxic to those who might come in contact with it.

If you go to the supermarket, you will find shelves of insecticides and  bug repellents like Off.  Some of these products work really well.  Combat ant traps are great, but  they could also kill your bird should he gets a hold of one. A few years ago, ...

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