Is It Possible To “Normalise” A Bird Person’s House?


The: “What will happen if I swing this blind’s pole into the glass door?” expression.


I’m moving house. I’m staying in the same state but flipping over to the other side – so a few hours from where I am now. Suddenly I find myself preparing my existing house for “normal people” to rent. It has come as a little bit of a shock for me to take off my “bird person” glasses and try to look at my home objectively without thinking about ...


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Reflecting On Life With Parrots

Galah eating Eucalyptus flowers

Galah/Rosebreasted Cockatoo eating Eucalyptus Flowers


At the start of each year, I tend to reflect on the past. This year I’m asking the question: If you could go back in time to when you got your first bird, what is the one thing that you would tell yourself or wish that you’d known?


I used to think the answer to that would be “Birds don’t just eat seed” because I look back on the birds I had as a ...


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