A Training Success Story

We recently received this email from a customer and just had to share it:

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!  In just a few short hours your training tips have made me love my bird again.
My African Grey had become a screamer, I think mostly from being left alone too much.  The kids are grown and I work two jobs, so she spent a lot of time alone.  When I came home she screamed constantly.  I was on the verge of finding her a new home, but hesitated ...

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3 Tips To Help You Change Your Bird’s Behaviors

Congo african grey

No bird is perfect – not yours, not mine. Throughout your bird’s lifetime you will encounter many occasions where you will find it necessary to help your bird make behavior modifications that will ultimately make life more satisfying for you both.

Changing a bird’s behavior is never as simple as moving from point A to point B. It requires intricate steps, thoughtfulness and lots of patience. Outlining the procedure ahead of time will help to move through these steps, but without acknowledging the following tips, your job will be ...

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Strategies For A Terror Free 4th Of July

The 4th of July is a holiday that most people eagerly anticipate. It is all about barbecues, outdoor activities and family fun. When the sun sets, out come the explosives. The night sky is filled with gunpowder blasts and flashes of bright light. The formerly peaceful world has become a war-zone and our pets are not amused.

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Plucked Parrots

When I have asked bird owners what initially attracted them to parrots, they usually say it is their beauty and grace. Birds are visually stunning. It is impossible for that not to be the first thing we notice...

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