Disaster Preparedness: Evacuating Your Parrots

Hyacinth Macaw

Hurricane season is beginning here in Florida, and forecasters are predicting an active season.  While I am located in central Florida and don’t expect to see the severe weather the coast might see, hurricanes do, in fact, travel inland. I grew up in the northeast and lived a good part of my life in Chicago so I am accustomed to severe storms and oceans of snow. The south offers some new challenges to which I don’t feel particularly accustomed.  The clouds, both here and in Texas, don’t seem ...

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The Parrot First Aid Kit

Apparently, there was a law passed stating that when your bird needs medical attention, your vet must be closed. Probably for the weekend. Sure, there are all night emergency vet clinics available, but chances are there won’t be an avian vet. Bad enough that you have to bring your beloved parrot to a complete stranger in the worst of times, but he or she might not know an egg-binding from a fur ball. Still, accidents can and do happen. It is a very wise idea to have a parrot first aid/evacuation kit always on hand to treat the minor problems, ...

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