Is It Safe To Let Your Bird On Your Shoulder Or On A High Perch?



Every now and again, people write to me complaining that they have seen a photo of me with a bird on my shoulder. People tell me that I shouldn’t allow this. I’ve also had some negative feedback about perch location in some of my aviaries. Some of my perches are above my eye level. I am told that this is a terrible idea and very dangerous.


Now you’d think high perches and having a bird on your shoulder are completely different topics? I’m grouping them together because the ...


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Did You Know That YOU Are A Bird Trainer?

Did you know that YOU are a trainer? Blue and gold macaws

Does the idea of training your bird put you off? Are you thinking: “I don’t want to train my bird, I just want it to behave”? Are you unwilling to begin a process that you might not have the time or energy to commit to?

I get it. Life is busy and complicated enough without having to delegate time to training an uncooperative bird.

I’m going to let you in on a little secret: you already are a trainer. You train ...


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Is Your Parrot Suffering From YOUR Stress?

Birds are unusually perceptive. As prey animals, they have to be. They are constantly on the lookout for predators.

Birds remain safest in a flock setting because there are many eyes on the sky and ground in a vigilant watch. If a single bird becomes alarmed for any reason, ALL birds will take to the air in fear.  Interestingly, this frenzied behavior sometimes occurs without a single alarm call being issued. The tension is FELT as clearly as any alarm call can be heard and is enough to set things into motion.

If we put that same perceptive species of animal into ...


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A Special Thank You To The GREAT Bird Stores


Lebanon Pet and Aquarium Center

Over the years, I have made some very strong comments about pet stores with regards to the treatment of the birds in their care. This is because I have personally witnessed some horrific conditions and I have had the unpleasant task of guiding others through their bad experiences, sometimes involving illness or death, with some particularly bad pet stores. I admit that I am opinionated on this subject.

There are establishments out there whose owners will knowingly, without conscience, send a diseased bird out the door to ..

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“Let Your Bird Experience One New Thing A Day”

Rosebreasted cockatoo

The Womachs have been saying this for a long time and it is some pretty terrific advice.

Because of the fact that birds are prey animals, they are naturally wary of the things in their environment. In the wild, they have to be if they are to avoid being another animal’s lunch.

In captivity, most birds will show at least some reservation about unfamiliar things in their environment. Reactions vary, bird by bird. Some brave souls may hang back for minute or two before they go over to explore the new ...

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