Using Capturing To Teach Your Parrot to Talk on Cue

My male galah Bandit already says "baby boy" but he says it whenever he feels like it, not whenever I want him to. So I decided it was the next phrase of his I wanted to put on cue!  He currently says the following on cue already: Cue: Waving of my fingers // Word: Bandit Cue: Word "kiss" // Action: Leaning in, giving a kiss on the cheek with t...
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Flock Talk: Stop Screaming, Start Talking

I loved this video our dear friend and customer, Chris Armstrong, posted of his blue and gold macaw enjoying our Flock Talk video! Flock Talk is meant to stop your bird from screaming and encourage your bird to learn to talk. Hence, your bird learns to talk for attention rather than scream. I hope you take the time to check it out, as it's avail...
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Deciphering Your Parrot’s Calls

Congo African Grey Parrot


Have you ever just sat and listened to your bird’s calls and tried to figure out what they mean?  Just like babies have different cries meaning: I’m hungry/wet/tired/angry, your bird has a different meaning and a different sound to each of his vocalization.
We all know the shrill, panicked sound of the alarm call.  Often meaning that there’s a fly in the cage or Alex, the evil pool guy, is in the back yard again waving around that net thingy on the the long stick.  ...

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Does Your Bird Sound Just Like You?

Blue and Gold Macaws

I learned a long time ago never to look at Linus when I am on the phone.  Being a cockatoo, he believes the sun rises just for him.  He can’t understand why I would talk to an electronic gadget when I have perfectly good cockatoo standing by.  If I look at him, it’s an invitation to join in the conversation.
My daughter called the other day and was telling me about a jacket she had seen in a store window that cost $3500.  She was jokingly asking ...

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