Toys + Foraging

Forage noun: the act of searching for food and provisions noun: animal food for browsing or grazing verb: wander and feed verb: collect or look around for (food) In the wild parrots spend most of their time (approximately 70% of it) foraging, or looking, for food. Not to mention when given the option of eating their food out of a dish or...
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5 Ways To Use Food As Foraging Toys

What is a foraging toy?

To forage means to rummage or root around for food, the activity at which a wild parrot spends the largest part of his day. And a toy, in a parrot’s world, is pretty much anything from which it gains benefit. Therefore, by definition, a foraging toy can be anything the enables a search for food, even another food. We can use foods as foraging toys.

As expected, the very best opportunities for food foraging are provided by nature itself. Nuts and peas in the pod are perfect examples of foods that are built into their own foraging ...


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Making Your Own Parrot Toys

I recently had someone ask me about making their own parrot toys for their cockatiel and other birds so I thought I’d write about it this week. So, “can I make my bird its own toys?”

Making your own bird toys is a fun and economical way to provide entertainment for a parrot of any size.  Most of the online parrot toy stores and many pet stores now carry supplies for those of us who make their own parrot toys. I make most of my own.  My cockatoos go through so much wood that I had to buy a ...

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