Update from Training in the Bahamas

Blue and Gold Macaws

Dave and I have been in the Bahamas now for 4 days and so far we’ve got both Jersey and Chayko spinning on command and touch training really well. Here on the island, they really want them to be content hanging out on a foraging tree in the beach area so people can enjoy seeing them and hearing them practice talking. And yesterday they stayed there for an hour and a half happily! Above is me working with Cathy Daly, the main person who ...

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Update on Storm the Amazon Parrot from His Owners…

Below is an email from Storm’s owner, Jeannie, to me. I thought you’d all love to hear about Storm and how to keep in touch with his progress at home with his owners from now on!

“Storm heard your voice on the phone when I was talking to you tonight. Right now I have his cage next to my desk during daytime hours. He was so excited to hear your voice, but, he wasn’t sure where you were. He kept looking at the back door waiting for  ...

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