Blue throated macaw
Knowing that I love to read, Jamie left some books for me that she had read while on the road. I want to share with you a thought provoking part of a forward (written by Stephen Fry) in one of those books titled “The Book Of Animal Ignorance – Everything You Think You Know Is Wrong” by John Lloyd and John Mitchinson:
“Animals all have this in common with one another: unlike humans they appear to spend every minute of every hour of every day of their lives being themselves. A tree frog (as far as we can ascertain) doesn’t wake up in the morning feeling guilty that it was a bad frog the night before, nor does it spend any time wishing it were a wallaby or a crane fly. It just gets on with the business of being a tree frog – a job it does suprememly well. We humans, well…we are never content, always guilty, and rarely that good at being what nature asked us to be – Homo sapiens.”
I read and reread that paragraph thinking about how much pressure we humans put on ourselves just to get through the day in the society we live in, and how uncomplicated, by comparison, it must be to be the tree frog as described above.
My thoughts quickly drifted to parrots and our relationship with them. I wondered how life with humans might clutter what should be a simple and unfettered existence for them. I wondered about the roles we might require them to play in our lives, the voids we might ask them to fill, and the unrealistic expectations we might place on them.

Rosebreasted cockatoo
I was reminded of an older, childless couple I had met several years back. They had a moluccan cockatoo named Angel. They were utterly devoted to this bird and he clearly adored both of them. They made no secret of the fact that they considered Angel to be the child they were never able to have.
He had a custom built stainless steel cage, a huge playgym and more toys than he could go through in a life time. He was on a great diet and received regular vet care.
This bird wanted for nothing, and yet he was as bald as a Thanksgiving turkey. The couple were confused and distraught over this fact and asked me to come by to offer guidance.
I stayed for lunch and was amused that a place was set at the table for the bird. We had tuna fish sandwiches and Angel, who’d had a big, healthy breakfast was given a bowl of apple sauce…and a spoon. He held the utensil in one foot and delicately spooned the food into his mouth and, believe it or not, wiped his beak with a paper napkin when he was through, with a little urging.

Moluccan cockatoo
We went to sit in the living room and Angel sat on the couch between the couple. At one point, Angel began to bite at the edge of the sofa cushion, and the woman gently removed him saying: “No, no, Angel. Good birds don’t eat the couch”. I thought to myself that, in a bird’s world, that is exactly what good birds do. She cradled the bird in her arms throughout most of the visit.
As the afternoon passed, what initially seemed like a charming relationship between two humans and a bird began to disturb me. It became clear to me what the problem was. They were trying to turn Angel into a child.
Toward the end of the visit, I had a very frank talk with them about Angel’s environment. I explained that parrots are essentially wild animals and have not been domesticated to live in human society like dogs, and that all they know how to do is be what they are. We can teach them tricks and gain “cooperation” from them to a certain extent, but to expect more from them is not only unfair, it is mentally and emotionally stunting.

Blue throated and camelot macaws
I explained the habits of wild cockatoos, and their need to chew. I took them over to the cage and explained how the pristine condition of Angel’s toys told me that he had no idea how to play like a bird. He was being asked to filfill a need for them that a bird is not designed to do. I told them that in my estimation, Angel was plucking because he was not able to comfortably be a bird and didn’t know how to be a human. He was lost in the in-between.
They were shaken by what I said, though not upset. They tried to come up with reasons for their actions: “It’s what Angel wants. He gets upset when we do things differently.” I explained that it isn’t at all what Angel “wants”, but what he has come to expect. His life is so structured that when they would deviate from routine, it was unsettling for him. He wasn’t allowed to do the things that felt natural to him – he was merely conceding to their expectations.
I set them up with some reading material and asked them to consider what I had said and they promised me they would. I knew in my heart, though, that nothing would change because they liked their relationship with Angel as it was. They kept in touch for a while, and told me that they had taken Angel out in a carrier several times at my suggetion for a break in his routine. Eventually, we lost touch. It was a sad and unneccesary emotional struggle for this bird.

African grey and rosebreasted cockatoo
In the bird community, we spend a lot of time discussing how much more we can do for our parrots. Maybe we should be giving equal time to the problem of forcing our attentions on them, thereby squashing their nature. We want to include our birds in every aspect of our lives, and they enjoy being a part of it. It’s a great expereince for them, but just like we enjoy being home again after a vacation, your bird will enjoy going back to his life as a bird after a day in the human world.
We have to carefully examine our own intentions and be sure that the environment we set up for them is suited to their needs – not our own. We should no sooner expect human behaviors from our birds than we should expect our own children to lay eggs.
Author Patty Jourgensen specializes in avian health, behavior and nutrition and has been working with and caring for rescue birds since 1987.
So what were they doing wrong, and what did they need to change? The only suggestion I could find in this article was to break up the routine with different activities. Did they need to train him to chew on his toys, or provide more toys that he could actually chew? We have a goffin cockatoo, so don’t want to make the same mistakes.
Great article!!! :D Some incredible ‘party tricks’ that they’ve taught their cocky, BUT it made me cringe just reading about the things they make it do. I refer to my teo (female eclectus and male green cheek) as my feather babies and my eccy, Cleo, is definitely my baby girl, but they are parrots and I’m very aware of the fact that they are parrots and need to be as such. I remember reading ‘a toy destroyed is a toy enjoyed’ when I was first looking into getting a bird and while it is frustrating to clean up the mess (and deal with the destruction of chewing non-toy things), I don’t hold it against them because parrots chew things….end of lol.
Great finish!
great artide love this
This was a great article and I understand the thinking. For sometime now I have been thinking of a way to make a indoor aviary for the room that my birds are in and getting them out of their individal cages so they would not feel so restricted. I have a Blue & Gold Macaw, a African Grey and a Orange Wing Amazon. I think this would help some what . I have looked into a out door aviary for them and as they are costly I am working on that too. I would love to get one where I could sit it it with them and injoy them out doors. My birds rarely go out side and I think this will help. But every thing takes time when on a budget. I do spend time with my birds every morning and when I get home and they have plenty of out of cage time but I do understand that they need more of what they need to be a bird. All I can say is that I’m working on it! Thanks for all the info that you give and I get my monthly Bird Talk magazine to keep up with things too!
Great article! We have a Rosebreasted cockatoo, green cheek conyer and cockatiel. We have nice size cages in in out. Let them play On top there cages and they live to watch the western channel. We give them things to chew up, Micah lives shoe strings! He’ll tie them in a hundred knots! :) The one thing we are afraid to do is Not clip their wings a little. Once Sunshine took off down the road and around the corner and landed in a tree, I almost couldn’t reach her! It gave me a heart attack. We live our birdies and want to protect them from the unknowns of nature. They are always riding on our shoulders, etc. any advise on that?
Great Article! This is very important to for everyone to know. I hope and pray that Angel is able to be a bird now.
Great article, very nice:-) Bent Olsen
I have a Rainbow Lory and he is always pulling out his wings and neck why He has a large cage and clean
Wow !!!! Yes, that’s interesting !!!!! My mollucan is free to do most evberything !!!! He chewed up my computer wires once and I scolded him and he never did it again but… he chews alot of other stuff now … Oh well…at least he’s not chewing himself !!!! Really a quite bird too… He’s so special !!! He is in my website !!! www.birdguyhawaii.com Meet the Birds !!!! I want so bad to teach free flight but hate to lose the bird ….. Really would love to have you guys come to Hawaii ,,,, Aloha from Honolulu !!!!
Am so glad you are making known such a vital point ! It is their happiness we should be concerned with and work on , not ours ! As always great article , if only every Parrot owner would take heed . Of course there is always another side , where some people get a Parrot and then for whatever reason fail to spend any time with the bird, where they spend long periods of time ignored and neglected or be used for "amusement and entertainment " when it suits the owner !In which case it is kinder not to get one in the first place. Mine are as happy and healthy as can be , they come out to play and do their own thing and chatter away much like they would do in the wild . Yet they are tame and “polite” :) ! The only thing not possible is the Aviary as we live in England and it is mostly too cold !! But I dream of one , with waterfalls and mini world for my 6 super -Dudes !
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