A Thank You! For Macaws and Toucan Top

Photo by Dave Location: Charlottesville, VA 

I wanted to extend a big thank you to Laura Rennie, whom through our Facebook decided to kindly send me this tank top with macaws and toucans on it, along with an adorable black romper with macaws on it. (How did she know I LOVE rompers?! A great creation to just put on an outfit without having to think about it!)  


I’m always randomly posting parrot or bird related shirts on the birdtricks facebook, my latest finds whether I decide to get them or not... I always share them and others tend to do the same so when Laura offered me the tank top I gladly said she could send it if she wanted and was so thrilled when she actually did.  


It’s always really life changing when people send gifts randomly like that. And we’ve had a lot of those through facebook lately. I don’t always mean material things, simple photos for our birds or thank you’s for just being “us” are what I mean as well. People can be so amazing, and so touching to our lives sometimes without even realizing it and Dave and I, along with Patty and Chet, really try to make sure we are ‘giving back’ to you all as well and honestly, sometimes it feels so hard to keep up with all of you.   We had some friends come to visit and they bought 2 bird toys for our birds. I know it seems small, but bird toys are getting expensive and just to know someone was looking out for our flock, helping us out, and thinking of our birds like that... meant the world.  


So to know someone would think of me as a person to gift something to like this, just is very humbling and flattering.   Thank you, Laura.   Thank you to all of you who keep up with us, PUT up with us ;) and laugh with us, mess up with us and succeed with us. We are happy to be on this journey of a parrot loving life along with all of you.   xoxo

Article by Jamieleigh Womach. She has been working with parrots and toucans since the age of 17. She isn’t homeless but is home less than she prefers to be. She travels the world with her husband, daughter, and a flockful of parrots whom she shares the stage with.

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