A Toucan Bird Themed Nursery

bird-themed nursery furniture

Glider chair with custom diaper bag. 

My husband and I knew that we'd want a bird theme of some sort no matter what gender our baby turned out to be. We thought about going with a blue bird, like our blue throated macaw "Jinx", if we had a boy. Then our colors would be blue and yellow. And if a girl, maybe we would go with the theme of galahs - pink and grey, everything! But in the end, our love for toucans overcame and as I got impatient waiting to find out gender, I wanted to decorate in a way that would work for either sex so our original thoughts of themes was not going to work. Toucans it was, in neutral colors to match the room overall - sex to be determined at a later date. Because toucans are only commonly found among 'jungle, rainforest' and other animal themes which I knew I didn't want - I had to go out on a limb and ask independent designers for custom products of just toucans.

After some research I found LovelyFriend on Etsy and sent her a message along with a picture of some bird artwork I had ordered for the nursery already and told her I wanted all toucans.

When she was finished, I received this:

Custom toucan mobile.

As gifts, we received tons and tons of parrots, birds and toucans, all stuffed animals for her animal treasure chest. Here's a glimpse at her stuffed-flock:

stuffed bird toys for kids











stuffed toy birds

More of her stuffed animal flock and a couple custom pieces too!

I can't even believe how many different toucans there are out there that people were able to find. I know of a few on ebay or amazon, but that's about it! When I couldn't find something as a toucan, I'd find it as a bird in general, like the door stop (etsy) or door hanger (gift). But then there were those totally original, off the wall finds like these:

toucan lamp

Toucan lamp found at a pawn shop. But I've seen them in retail stores.

wooden toucan rocking toy

Toucan rocker from eBay.com and other toucan themed items. 

For our name reveal we eventually did, I had baby blocks made custom with a toucan at the end that worked well into the room as well.

Custom baby blocks.

My mother found the following fabric in black, white and blue and I chose black. My grandma then sewed up a pillow for nursing, a blanket for the crib and bumpers for the crib as well. She also sewed the extra fabric with the toucans showing onto the bottom of my drapes for that room, too. 

toucan fabric

Toucan print fabric.

I finished the room off with tons of toucan books (gifts, pictured in the wagon) and a toucan piece of art above the crib from Minted.com.

toucan nursery
Nursery with a toucan/bird theme.

Although what people fail to mention (or perhaps I didn't research hard enough) is that you won't even really use this room for the first few months. So, it still looks like this... minus the chair that I moved downstairs for easier access! Good thing that crib turns into a day bed because that's when I'm thinking she will use it ;)! All in all we had a lot of fun designing the room and finding little gems to add to it. The furniture is from Amazon (treasure chest, glider chair with ottoman, crib) while the wagon with the books in it is from Restoration Hardware. The night stand is from TJ Maxx, the diaper pail from Walmart, and the rug from Pier 1 Imports. The blankets are also from Pier 1 (the teal, red and purple). I'm pretty excited for when she's at the age to play with all those stuffed animals...!

Article by Jamieleigh Womach. She has been working with parrots and toucans since the age of 17. She isn’t homeless but is home less than she prefers to be. She travels the world with her husband, daughter, and a flockful of parrots whom she shares the stage with.

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