Celebrating the Month of October

My favorite season is autumn, hands down... no competition. I love the fall season with all its beautiful colors, changing and falling leaves, and gorgeous skies. I love the warm days followed by the chill nights. The heavy blankets and the many layers I can wear throughout the day. Since I love this season (and month) so much, we decided to celebrate the whole month of October this year. That’s why we’ve been working on Halloween promotions which included creating five original recipes just for Halloween! I had a lot of fun creating them (and luckily I had a friend willing to test making them so we’d know they’d work as I’m still without an oven... and freezer, and dishwasher, and laundry machine and...)

But we also included in that Halloween promotion we did eight original stencil designs for you to carve your pumpkin with! And since we were giving them away anyway, we decided to print them out for ourselves and give them a go! Our birds included of course, we’re celebrating this season and month with them! So we sat ourselves down with our many pumpkins and many birds and began carving. It was a lot of fun, the birds went around picking up the pumpkin seeds and raw pumpkin and eating away, or just making their own designs as some of the birds were just breaking the pumpkin into little pieces for fun! It was cute to watch them having so much fun hanging out, no matter how many times they tried to mess me up...!

This is the first year I’ve taken the entire month to celebrate a holiday or season and I’ve loved it a lot. So much better than just celebrating on a single day. The whole month is much more fun and less rushed. So I guess I’m sharing this with all of you because I’ve been celebrating by freeflying my birds, spending quality time doing fun things with them (including doing nothing too!) and carving lots of pumpkins, creating original Halloween recipes and more. We even got Halloween themed toys that Rocko loved playing with (he likes to play catch!)

So take this month to celebrate with your parrot, whether it’s a Halloween themed photoshoot with your bird, dressing up and incorporating your bird in your costume (a pirate with a handy parrot mate! Or you could go as the egg... hahaha...) or just carving pumpkins and baking them for your birds... include them and make some lasting memories and maybe some new fun traditions, too.

Article by Jamieleigh Womach. She has been working with parrots and toucans since the age of 17. She isn’t homeless but is home less than she prefers to be. She travels the world with her husband, daughter, and a flockful of parrots whom she shares the stage with.

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