A Bird Themed Child's Playroom

My daughter with her stuffed animal toucans (all gifts) and toucan art from Minted.com. We're renting a warehouse for the winter months up here in north Idaho for our birds - we usually keep them outside year round but that's not happening here in Idaho! It's not Florida weather anymore, that's for sure! We had looked into certain types of part...
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Behind the Scenes of the ParrotFX Photoshoot

Photo by Nathan Slabaugh Location: Athol, ID Behind the scenes: Galahs "Bondi" & "Bandit" being shot by photographer Terrence Blanton Dave and I have done numerous photoshoots with our birds - every time we get a new contract, it's a new photoshoot for new promo materials and so forth. Comet, our camelot macaw, was the main attraction in ...
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Our First Christmas... Parrot-Less...

Photo by Dave Location: Orlando, FL With their stockings: Galahs "Bandit" & "Bondi" Dave and I got married in July 2004 and immediately left for Japan followed by a tour of Oregon state.  In entertainment, you never get the holidays off because that's when people want to be the most entertained.  We have performed every Christmas since bein...
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Bondi Lands in a Tree For the First Time

Photo by Dave Location: Waynesboro, VA Shown: Rose Breasted Cockatoo "Bondi" While flying our little guys (two rose breasted cockatoos and an African grey) Bondi decided to land in a tree for the very first time in her entire freeflight life which surprised Dave and I. We were flying and Bandit landed on him, Cressi on me and we both looked a...
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Why Are Birds Moody?

Photo by Dave Location: Moab, UT Leaning in: Galah "Bondi"  I have to say, I'm in the defense of the birds on this topic! You may be wondering why your bird is sooo nice one day, and so damn moody the next. Well, I could pretty much ask any human being the same question. Why one day is someone so nice to me, the next they're getting upset ove...
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