My Latest Parrot Creations of Meals

Sometimes I grab whatever looks fresh in the fridge, toss it altogether and serve it up to my parrots. Sometimes I plan it all out, and sometimes I toss it in the crock pot and go. There are so many options, even leftovers too, for our parrot companions to eat. That's probably why you see I hardly ever serve the same thing every day. Which keeps...
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Including Your Parrots in the Holidays

One way you can include your bird in the holiday festivities early on is by letting your bird be apart of the preparation! Some birds might need some extreme desensitization with the holiday decor; lights, trees, ornaments, noise, music, etc... there's a lot of things that go into the holiday that we don't think about but your bird might reac...
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Summer Time Heat

Photo by Glen Location: Moab, UT Drinking: Military Macaw "Cash" I forgot about how much adjustment most parrots need when moving to a warm weather place like Florida. My birds came from Saipan, which is pretty much like Florida but maybe more humid? Not sure. It's pretty close... I make sure that my parrots have plenty of water in the summe...
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Bird Sitting is Over...

Photo by Jamieleigh Location: Orlando, FL On the couch: Military macaw "Cash" After 5 months of my military macaw hanging at Missi's place, he came back to live with us and I have to say, I was damn excited to see him again! To read his story at Missi's, click here. Missi brought him to Orlando from Naples and along with him, she brought his ne...
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Why Outside Aviaries Have Catch-Alls

   I remember when Dave and I first sep up our Cages by Design aviaries outside, we set up the actual 6' diameter aviaries first. But we still had 2 catch-alls to put up and I thought, Well maybe we don't need those... And boy have I ever been proved wrong since! Really, I was just being lazy because it was a lot of effort to put them up ourse...
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