Tips and Tricks for Maintaining a Clean and Healthy Bird

Photo by Dave Location: Centralia, WA Pictured: Camelot macaw "Comet" and Blue throated macaw "Jinx"   Sadly, in the bird world, most people only get their bird wet as either a form of punishment (which by the way, DOESN’T WORK so stop punishing if you do this!) or in a forceful bath that they assume their bird won’t otherwise take.   We all ...
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A Trick to Getting your Parrot to Eat Healthy

  Photo by Dave Location: Orlando, Florida Eater: Rose Breasted Cockatoo "Bondi"   My galah is the last of my flock who chooses to eat anything that might even be considered healthy for her. She won't try anything new unless I try it first and only wants a piece of whatever I touched, not the next one on the plate. Well, I finally got he...
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