Birds Need Motivation

 Photo by Mona Location: Daytona Beach, FL Receiving a Kiss: Rose Breasted Cockatoo "Bandit" While giving a parrot seminar in Daytona Beach, Florida I realized how un-fun many bird owners tend to be. A very common question was, "My bird doesn't want to come out of its cage to be with me, why?" Now obviously, there can be a list of reasons for t...
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Natural Baths Outside

I get asked a lot if I bring my birds in from their outdoor aviaries when it rains. Well, living in Florida, it rains almost every day at the same time and a lot more in the winter. It pretty much rains all the time! And honestly, it's a hassle to bring birds in and out, back and forth. Who wants to do that? I wondered how they would do the fir...
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