Zazu’s House Parrot Sanctuary

Photo by Dave Location: Bothell, WA Special Needs Aviary with Roger I’d never been to a parrot rescue before that I felt the need to donate to until I went to Zazu’s House Parrot Sanctuary in the state of Washington. Someone had written on the birdtricks facebook about us needing to check it out and I didn’t really give it much thought other ...
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Agreeing on Parrot Rules in Your Household

Photo by Dave Location: Radio Station With me: Galah "Bandit" Without realizing it, Dave and I created rules in our household for our birds. Sometimes our rules change depending on circumstances and most of the rules are about how we do things rather than directly affecting the birds (from what they know!) but they’re still rules none the less ...
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Tips and Tricks for Maintaining a Clean and Healthy Bird

Photo by Dave Location: Centralia, WA Pictured: Camelot macaw "Comet" and Blue throated macaw "Jinx"   Sadly, in the bird world, most people only get their bird wet as either a form of punishment (which by the way, DOESN’T WORK so stop punishing if you do this!) or in a forceful bath that they assume their bird won’t otherwise take.   We all ...
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Outdoor Aviary Concerns: Bugs and Wild Bird Diseases

Photo by Dave Location: Centralia, WA Outside on a foraging tree: Blue and gold macaw "Tiko" I’m an AVID believer in supplying your bird with real sunlight that only an outdoor aviary can provide, however, “aviary rules” are different based on where you live. How often your bird can even use one is dependent on the weather wherever you live, ...
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Getting Your Bird to Spend MORE Time INSIDE Its Cage

Photo by Dave Location: Little Rock Zoo, AR Shown: Catalina Macaw I recently got asked how to get a bird to enjoy being in its cage more, so to want to spend more time in there. Now, I definitely want my birds to enjoy being in their cages so that they aren’t miserable in their so-called “bedrooms”, and so that they won’t refuse to go back into...
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Life Changes

Photo by Jamieleigh Location: Corpus Cristi, TX Perched: Military Macaw "Cash" Recently I've had some pretty huge life changes. It made me see things a bit differently and made some big changes for all of my birds. Something that happened was I was in preshow and one of the girls that trains and works with horses came up to me and said, "You ...
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