Birdie Bread Muffins That Get Your Bird Eating Organic!

Photo by Jamieleigh Location: Orlando, FL Shown: Birdie Bread Muffins with Organic Pellets  I used these amazing muffins to get a client's hyacinth macaw, Hymie, to eat organic pellets for the first time ever. In fact, his diet went from a colored, sugary pellet and tons of nuts to fresh fruits, veggies, oatmeal, grains and organic pellets beca...
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Hyacinth Macaw's Training Success

Photo by Jamieleigh Location: Orlando, FL On couch: Hyacinth Macaw "Hymie"  My original goals with Hymie when I first brought him home were: Get him eating some fresh foods. Break the bad habit of immediately running to the shoulder. Train him to let me hold his feet when he steps up on my hand.  I am pretty happy to report I accomplished ALL...
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Parrots and Children

Photo by Jamieleigh Location: Orlando, FL Shown: Hyacinth Macaw "Hymie" & Nephew "Jimmy" I've never trained a bird with a 15 month old around...  And while my nephew Jimmy was visiting, it was VERY hard to train Hymie, the hyacinth macaw I am working with for a client for 6 or so weeks. I had no idea how distracting Jimmy would be for Hy...
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Hyacinth Macaw Showers

Photo by Jamieleigh Location: Orlando, FL Wet Bird: Hyacinth Macaw "Hymie"  Hymie took his first shower with me within the first week of his stay. I was super happy because it is so hot here in Florida during the summer months and I was thinking he really needed one to cool down. I tried 2 times unsuccessfully before this. I approached Hymie ...
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Amazon Parrot Talks on Cue

Remember that Blue fronted Amazon parrot I took in for around 45 days? Well, his owners Jeannie and John have been clicker training him ever since they got him home and it is going so well! Not only is he flying around the house for them and not showing any aggressive behavior anymore, but he is now talking on cue! Check out the video above to...
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Hymie Settling In

Hymie is finally stepping up very nicely and letting both Dave and I hold his feet to transport him short distances (from one room to the other) and we're getting to the point of placing him on our shoulders for a reward rather than having him put himself up there. He is almost settling in nicely and becoming super comfortable with how things g...
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