Parrot Tricks: Ring on Peg

It took two days to train Bondi, my 4 year old galah, how to do the "ring on peg" trick. But it took some learning on MY end. And she was getting SO insanely frustrated. It was super hard for her to get the ring over the peg since it just barely fit, and as I continued to try, she only got it twice out of all the times we were trying... And for...
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Parrot Tricks: Running on Cue

Recently I thought that it would super cute if I could train my Camelot Macaw, Comet, to run to me on command. The command I wanted to be my finger like you would tell someone to come here. Since Comet is already recall trained, it made it really easy to put the running on cue. He has done the running thing more naturally than any of the other...
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Parrot Tricks: Stick 'em Up!

Photo by Jamieleigh Location: Orlando, FL Touch training: Hyacinth Macaw "Hymie" Hymie is such a quick learner! Dave taught him how to touch train in just a few minutes and it only took one training session! The next day following touch training him, Dave began teaching him to spin in a circle and got Hymie about half way there before Dave co...
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Parrot Tricks: Talking on Cue

  I've been wanting to get my cockatoo Bandit to say "I love you" on cue for a while now and half the battle is figuring out what I want the cue to be. I decided it would be really cute if I could say, "Bandit, what do you say when a pretty girl kisses you like this?" and then kiss him, and he would say, "I love you!" So basically the cue is...
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Parrot Tricks: African Grey Waves on Cue

I've just been on a training frenzie lately, I know! My goal is to catch my entire flock up to speed with where my cockatoo, Bondi, is. She is our "pro" training parrot. She knows so many things and learns super fast (but gets bored easy, too) and I just want the entire flock to be up to speed with her. So you might see many different birds le...
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Parrot Tricks: Teaching Your Bird to Spin

In the video above I explain things that helped, occured or didn't help train my galah, Bandit, how to spin in a circle on the perch. I used touch training to teach the spin to him and Cressi, my African Grey. Hopefully this helps you and you like the end result of Bandit's training! Listen close and you will hear him say his name while spinni...
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