Treats for Training: What I Use

Photo by Dave Location: Saipan, MP Siblings: Blue and Gold Macaws "Jersey" and "Chayko"   Recently on my YouTube videos, I've received a lot of the same question, "What treats do you use to give your bird during training sessions?"   And I know what those askers are really thinking... if they use what I use for my birds, their birds will do tha...
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Parrots Preferring Male/Female Trainers

Photo by Dave Location: Saipan, MP Cuddling: Blue and Yellow Macaw "Chayko"   Something I have come across a lot in working with parrots is that I’ve noticed their gender tends to determine who they like more out of a couple. For example, the male birds tend to bond more to me while the females bond more to any of my male co-workers or husban...
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