Rose Breasted Cockatoos: 2 Months Old

 Photo by Jamieleigh Location: Orlando, Florida Of: Rose Breasted Cockatoos/Galahs "Bandit" and "Ace"  This picture was taken on my phone (hence the quality) of our two newest baby cockatoos named Bandit (ours) and Ace (a friend's). We picked up Ace and delivered him for our friends. Ace is in the forefront of his photo while Bandit is the one ...
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First Shower: Congo African Grey

Photo by Jamieleigh Location: Orlando, Florida Bathers: Congo African Grey "Cressi" and Galah "Bondi"  Above is a polaroid photo I took of Cressi and Bondi. Cressi is now a 7 month old Congo African Grey and Bondi is a 3 year old Rose Breasted Cockatoo (galah). Bondi has been bathing for years now, but Cressi had her first shower a few months...
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