How to Choose The RIGHT Toys for Your Bird

Military Macaw

When discussing bird toys, there are two very common statements made:  “I don’t give my bird toys anymore, she never plays with them.”  and  “Whenever I get my bird new toys, he just destroys them.”  Do either of these sound familiar?  Read on…

Toys are multi-tasking things. They should be fun, educational, provide challenges and satisfy a bird’s instinctive needs. They are there to fill the void that a caged bird might feel with limited space and social activity. They exist to be chewed on, smacked around, yelled at and ...

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Image by Zdeněk Chalupský from Pixabay 

It is fall, which makes it cranberry season again. YAY!  I don’t think there is any other fruit my birds have more fun with.  When you think about it, it’s half food, half toy.  My birds enjoy playing with cranberries as much as they enjoy eating them.  I watched one of my cockatiels rolling a whole cranberry around with his beak for about a half hour once.  They are fun to drop from a height because they are firm and they bounce.  They make ...

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Food-Finding Parrot Toy Examples

The parrot toys you see below are examples of how you can use the natural parrot toys that we provide to our clients as Food Finding Toys or foraging toys.

Here’s what I want you to notice in the pictures below...

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