When Is it Time?
This is a very difficult and delicate post to write, and one that brings a lump to my throat just considering: The question of when a pet’s time has come, and whether to consider euthanasia, is easily the most difficult part of animal ownership. Ending needless suffering is a responsible thing to do. It’s difficult because no one wants to do it too soon – or ever.
I have had many pets in my lifetime. For most, ...
Meet Parrot Rescue Assistant, Monique!
My journey started off rather dodgy to be honest, I have always loved animals. Big or small, cute and “ugly”, I just couldn’t get enough of them. However, I never had a particular interest in birds, they just never stood out to me. Sure they were beautiful, but they never seemed all that special.
So how did I end up here? Well, even though I knew nothing about them, I decided to get ...