Cape Parrot
The different parrot families are divided into two broad categories: Old World and New World species. New world parrots, of which there are 148 species, are all parrots that are indigenous to Central and South America and Mexico (The U.S. no longer has a native parrot species.) Some popular New World species are the macaws, the amazons and the conures.
The 181 species of Old World parrots are those that are native to Asia, Africa and Australia. Among Old World species are the senegal, the cockatiel and the indian ringneck.
Since vast oceans separate the Americas from the rest of the world’s continents, both New and Old World parrots evolved differently. Most New World species are acclimated to the damp, temperate regions of the rain forest while some Old World Species thrive in dry, arid conditions. The result is the occurrence of certain physical and biological differences between the two factions.

One of those differences is that some Old World species produce powder down feathers. The keratin sheaths that surround these emerging feathers break down into a fine, powdery substance that is more pervasive in the home and air space than the granular dander that is produced by New World species.
Three very popular parrot species that produce powder down are the african grey, the cockatoo and the cockatiel. Anyone who owns one or more of these birds will attest to the intensity of the mess they create. Of my 5 birds, 4 are of the dusty variety.
Over recent years, veterinarians started to discover that serious, life threatening diseases were developing in macaws who shared living quarters with a dusty, Old World bird. Macaws are very sensitive to airborn particulates and more easily develop respiratory issues and pulmonary disease with continued exposure to powder down dust. Of the macaws, the blue and gold macaw has shown itself to be most at risk.
An initial indication of an arising problem is wheezing, which is followed by coughing and difficulty breathing as disease progresses. At this point, however, your bird is very ill and may have developed other issues resulted from the low oxygenation of cells.

Blue and gold macaw
If you own a macaw AND a dusty old world bird, it is recommended that you keep them housed in separate rooms. However, powder down dust will insinute itself into every crack and crevice and will travel through your home’s air system with ease. To further protect your macaw, follow these precautions:
- Bathe your dusty birds frequently! Powder down dust that is not shed onto the ground and into the air is spread throughout the feathers during preening creating a water-resistancey. The more often you bathe your bird, the more dust that will rinse down the drain and the less that will enter the environment.
- Change the cage substrate more often. If you are using wood chips or other popular litter, frequent changing can become expensive. This is yet another good reason to use paper cage liners instead. Use a vacuum cleaner with a flitration system to clean the floor and surrounding areas. Brooms and the sweeping motion will send particulates up into the air.
- Use a spray bottle to mist the cage liner. Birds often flap their wings vigorously in the cages for exercise. The wind created will force the dander that has settled on the cage bottom into the air. Mist the cage bottom 2-3 times a day with water to help keep the dander in place in between liner changes.
- Buy a good quality HEPA filter. I use an Austin Allergy Jr. It has been running 24/7 now for several years and I have only great things to say this product. You can select to keep it in the room with your dusty bird to catch dander as it is shed, or you can keep it in the room with your macaw to catch the dander that escapes into that room. I choose to run mine in the same room as my cockatoos because it eliminates the mess in that room. It also works twice as hard and will need more frequent filter replacement.
- For those with space enough in their yard, an outdoor aviary is the ideal solution. Not only do your birds benefit from the health advantages of being outdoors, but this is the ultimate ventilation system.

African grey
Macaws are not alone in their need for a dander-free air space. By heeding the precautions listed above, you will protect yourself and your family from problems of a similar nature. These tips will also help those who are allergic to birds keep their symptoms under control.
Author Patty Jourgensen specializes in avian health, behavior and nutrition and has been working with and caring for rescue birds since 1987.
Absolutely.Love and appreciate parrots , and this article was quite helpful. All of my birds are new world parrots blue headed pionious, Hispaniolan amazon, Is and solomon Island eclectis .
None of my birds seem dusty. I have 2 GCCs, a Brown head parrot, a Quaker and a Moustache parakeet.
Hi, I currently own an Indian ringneck parrot and I know he isn’t classed as a dusty bird. However is he classed as a powder down bird and would the dust he produces affect an Amazon parrot. I dont currently own an amazon parrot but I do plan on getting one but may not if it will affect the birds health.
This was a very helpful article, thank you! I have an Amazon and am deciding on a breed for a second bird and was considering an African Grey but due to the vast differences, I think I will stick with another Amazon so they can be in the same room and I do not have to worry about the dander from the Grey causing respiratory problems for the Amazon. So interesting how different all birds are!
Grate information really helpful. Would you be able to help me out with an enquire. I have an Indian ring neck. Would my Indian ring beck get on with a rose breasted cockatoo ( galah) as they are both flock birds and similar in size. They would be in different cages. But would the get on and interact with each other over time safely out their cages?
Grate information really helpful. Would you be able to help me out with an enquire. I have an Indian ring neck. Would my Indian ring beck get on with a rose breasted cockatoo ( galah) as they are both flock birds and similar in size. They would be in different cages. But would the get on and interact with each other over time safely out their cages?
We have 2 quaker parrots and have fine white dust all over near their area
We have a long bill corella who adores my son. They love to cuddle and kiss. Sometimes the powder is so bad that my sons lips and parts of his face are white like talc was put on his face. Fortunately Georgie the corella lives in an aviary with her husband Sam. Can’t imagine that fine dust in the house. Quite accidently, all our house birds are new world.
I have just one African Grey. I notice that his own feathers make us both sneeze. I try to bathe him at least one a week, but if it is late and closer to evening rather than morning, then I don’t bathe him as he needs his drying time.
Thanks for the info. I have two cockatoo’s and a macaw next to each other in seperate cages and had no idea about ‘dust’, I will put the cocatoos in a different room now.
What about Rainbow Lorikeets and budgies. I guess they would be old world parrots but i never notice any fine dust/powder.
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