Myth: Clipped Birds Can’t Fly

Military Macaw

Meet “Cash”. He is a 5 year old military macaw who was clipped before properly learning to fledge (fly at a young age). When we got him 4.5 years ago, he came to us at just 6 months old and we immediately let his wings grow out in the hopes to teach him to fly properly.

Letting wings grow out on a bird can take a long time, and usually takes almost an entire molt so that the feathers fall out naturally and re-grow back in. This can be anywhere ...

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Managing a Parrot’s Fear and Anxiety

Rose Breasted Cockatoo

Many parrots are neophobic, meaning that they fear new things.  In fact, maybe most parrots instinctively fear new things.  Since parrots are undomesticated, and bring many of their natural behaviors into our homes, they often display alarm towards things that are unfamiliar to them.  This makes sense from a practical standpoint when you consider that they have to be on high alert in the wild to guard against predators.  A watchful bird is a smart bird, and a safe bird.  It’s the level of fearfulness that takes this ...

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Image by Zdeněk Chalupský from Pixabay 

It is fall, which makes it cranberry season again. YAY!  I don’t think there is any other fruit my birds have more fun with.  When you think about it, it’s half food, half toy.  My birds enjoy playing with cranberries as much as they enjoy eating them.  I watched one of my cockatiels rolling a whole cranberry around with his beak for about a half hour once.  They are fun to drop from a height because they are firm and they bounce.  They make ...

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Blue Throat Macaw vs. Blue and Gold Macaw

Blue throated macaws

There’s been a lot of confusion lately between our blue throated macaw, Jinx, and what people assume is a blue and gold macaw. So I decided I’d write this on their differences!

The above picture is of two blue throated macaws; Bonnie and Jinx. Below is a blue and gold macaw, named Jersey.

Blue and Gold Macaw

The main distinguishing marks are plumage differences as well as size differences. Some consider blue throated macaws as a type of “mini ...

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Play vs. Aggression

Rose Breasted Cockatoo

I was looking through you tube videos and came across the title Funny Biting Parrot.  I thought to myself: what can possibly be funny about a biting parrot? and I watched the video.  I did find it funny.

When you watch the video, there are a few clues that tell you this is not aggression, but a game between parrot and owner.  First, the owner is encouraging the bird  and  is clearly unafraid of a serious bite.  Secondly, there is no aggressive body language in the bird – just ...

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Vinegar: a Safe Cleaning Solution

Congo African Grey Parrot

I cleaned out my storage shed today looking for the plastic storage bins I want to use for packing.  I was appalled at how filthy they had become just sitting there over time.  Since I will be putting bird accessories into many of them, I need to use a cleaning solution that is entirely safe and non-toxic.

White , distilled vinegar is all natural, and can be used in many helpful ways.  It cleans, disinfects, deodorizes, and removes stains and mineral deposits.  It can be used on ...

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