What To Do For A Chipped Or Rusting Powder Coated Cage

Spraying the powder coating on an outdoor fence – photo by orlandosteel.com

Powder coated cages are the most common used by parrot owners. They are generally heavy duty cages that can stand up to the abuse of even the largest parrots and they are more affordable than the stainless steel cages. However, an advantage the stainless steel cages has over their powder caged cousins is that they have no coating that can be chipped or damaged.

When I purchase a cage for my birds, I take a lot of things into consideration. ...


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How to Import Pet Birds Into the U.S.A. – the Complete Saga.

Senegal parrot in his IATA-approved travel box.

Senegal parrot in his IATA-approved travel box.


A lot of people want to know how to import pet birds into the U.S.A. (in my case from the UK), and having recently experienced this, I can tell you bringing a parrot or finch into the country is not easy or cheap. But it will be utterly worth it if you decide to go through with it, for everyone involved.

I’ll do my best to explain!

To ...

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The First Sign Of Hormones In A Young Macaw


Fid my Blue and Gold Macaw. He can open the fridge door, climb down the door shelves and steal any bottles that have screw top lids. He’s not worried about drinking the contents but all lids are HIS.


You know you’re in really serious trouble when you walk into your bird room and all of the birds stop what they’re doing and look at you in that way they do when they want to see if your head is going to explode? There is ...

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Music and Your Parrot

Senegal parrot playing.

Senegal parrot loves music.


One of the things I often get asked by friends and family is, ‘Doesn’t your bird hate your musical instrument?’ It is, after all, very loud. And it takes my attention away from them.

As a musician, I find that my parrots have come through necessity to relate to my music. I had to find a way to turn my own practise time (which is of vital importance to me) into a fun time for them, too. Otherwise ...

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How To Avoid Drama In The Avian Community

Rosebreasted cockatoo

I have kept parrots since the 80s. Back then, unless you were lucky enough to have a chance meeting with another bird lover, you were on your own. The only information available was at the library or in generic, manual style books on sale at pet stores, many of which were written by breeders. Any questions raised about captive parrot behavior would cause snickering – “They are birds, so they will fly and stuff.” Thank you for your words of wisdom.

Sometime in the late 90s, I was made aware ...


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How To Take Doubt Out Of The Parrot Diet

Camelot macaw

Birds have been around for millions of years, long before the human race was a twinkle in the eye of evolution. Since the very first their species made an appearance on this planet, the world has undergone many changes that presented numerous challenges to overcome. Their longevity can be attributed to an intense survival instinct, part of which is a well-developed understanding of the need for proper diet. After all, a weak parrot cannot outrun a predator – or survive an ice age. They have always known what to ...


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