The Trouble With Talking Parrots…


Rainbow Lorikeets


We’ve all got one of those people in our lives. Who hasn’t got a lovely person who has a knack for calling you at the worst possible moment? Like when you’re elbow deep is dirty dishwater, like when you’re watching a movie and it reaches the important bit, like when you’re trying to convince your parrot that it wants a syringe full of medication (without being bitten) or when you’ve just sat down to a meal you’ve spent hours preparing.


I’m related to ...


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It’s Okay To Feel Frustrated With Your Birds Sometimes

Yellow collared macaw

I think it might be fallout from a particularly hormonal spring season, but recently I have read an abundance of comments from people who feel at their wits ends with their birds. It’s not uncommon to be reading complaints following breeding season, but they are usually tempered with a sense of relief. Not so much this year.

I was absolutely floored to hear that a long time bird-pal was thinking about giving up her flock because she just didn’t think she had another spring season in her. Even ...


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The only times I find myself getting annoyed with another bird owner is when I offer them advice and they immediately shoot it down: “you’ll have to come up with something different – my bird will NEVER go for that”. They insist on using words like “stubborn” or “scared” or “disinterested” to describe their birds. I find that these words often also describe them.

In contrast, my favorite owners are the ones who not only accept the advice they receive but also modify it to suit their ...


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Restraining A Bird In A Car


Fid my Blue and Gold Macaw travels in a large dog crate.


There are few things more terrifying than those few moments before impact when you realise you’re about to be in a very serious car accident and that there is absolutely nothing you can do to avoid it.


Recently, I was stopped at pedestrian lights, waiting for them to change to green when I heard the squeal of tyres behind me. A glance in the rear vision mirror told me that a wannabe truck ...


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Raising The Next Generation of Parrot Lovers

photo from

Children today are so very different from the child that I was while growing up. You hear people say that all the time, and it’s true: children are different. Today, being an adult is not a guarantee that you will win an argument with an 8 year old. Children are sophisticated and experienced and they come armed with knowledge.

On one hand, there is sadness to the idea that children no longer exist in a world of make believe and fantasy. Controversy for a child used to be over ...


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Milk Thistle And Miracle Cures For Parrot Liver Problems


You're interrupting me preening, shove off.


There is a danger attached to writing the words “my bird is sick” and then putting that out somewhere on the Internet or on social media for others to read. Whether you want it or not, you’re going to get people trying to help you. That in itself is a great thing because it is a sign that people care enough to try. The problem is that some of the advice you can get from the Internet is ...

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