Lying To Protect Your Birds

Fid, my Blue and Gold Macaw

There have been a few stories circulating on social media lately about pet birds being stolen. They’re heartbreaking stories and I would hate to think what I’d do if anyone tried to steal one of my flock.


There are things that you can do to protect yourself and your birds and Jamie has done an excellent post on that which I have linked here. That said though, there is only so far that ...


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Did You Know Your Parrot’s Feathers All Have Different Purposes?

Parrot feathers have different purposes - photo from

Feathers are fascinating things – they are water repellent and protect a bird from the elements, they are so strong that they can support a bird’s weight in flight – even when they are just sitting there doing nothing, they are stunningly beautiful to look at.

Have you ever sat down and really looked at the feathers your bird molts out? I remember when I got my first birds, the cockatiels, I was always excited to collect the molted feathers and I would ...

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One Day Miracles Reviews

This is such awesome news, we had to share…

One day miracles are already happening and we couldn’t be more excited.  That’s right, we’re ALREADY getting success stories from people who got their One Day Miracles package in the mail earlier this week.

But I’ll let them tell their stories in their own words below:

Success Story #1 – Laura Rennie & Flock

‘I Realized That I Needed To Let
My Umbrella Cockatoo FAIL!’

One Day Miracles is an entertaining series that I could really relate to.

It features average families and birds and while watching each episode I was able to identify ...

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Learning To Recognise The Early Symptoms Of Illness In a Bird

Otto, my male Musk Lorikeet. Swinging, eating flowers, upside down in the wind.


Recognising the early symptoms of illness in a bird can be extraordinarily difficult. Often when we realise a bird is sick, the small window to do something about it has already passed. To those who have discovered a love of birds, it’s a frustrating and scary thought.


When I last took my elderly Galah/Rosebreasted Cockatoo Cocky Boy to the vet, an observing vet student sat in ...


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Is Your Bird Mean? Maybe It’s Just Afraid!

Congo african grey

“My bird hates me!”

“My bird refuses to listen!”

“My bird is a hopeless case!”

We hear it all the time, but none of these statements are actually true.

It’s fair to say that everyone who gets a parrot has the hopes that theirs will be a playful and interactive member of the family. Many people are disappointed to find that isn’t the bird that they got.

In actuality, EVERY bird is the one you hoped for. Birds are very social by nature – in the wild they choose to live in communal ...


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What Does It Mean When My Bird Fluffs Up?

Male Eclectus Parrot


“I have adopted a male Eclectus parrot and I have a question about cuddling and petting. I have been very cautious about it so far because I have read that with their hair like feathers they don’t like to be pet like other birds. However, when he is relaxing with me he seems to want to cuddle and be pet, but I don’t want to upset him. I would like some advice about what he ...


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