Staying One Step Ahead of an Escape Artist Bird

Fid, my Blue and Gold Macaw


Have you ever sat back and thought that you had everything under control and that you’re doing pretty well with your birds? Thought that your flock is happily occupied, playing with foraging toys, enjoying their amazing diet while rattling off their extensive vocabularies at each other? Thought that while they were busy in their respective aviaries that it was safe to leave them to it and go out for ...

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Final Steps in Regaining Trust with Alexandrine Parakeet

Me and Rasta the alexandrine parakeet

As most of you have followed, I had been working on crate training Rasta so that when it came time to ship him home to his owners in Florida, I would be able to do so! Also, so that they can continue to use the crate as a means of transporting him from his indoor cage to his outdoor aviary.

Rasta wasn’t intended to head back to his owners until just before September arrived, but due to conflicting travel schedules I had to schedule him earlier than planned ...

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Nurturing Odin the Raven’s Intelligence

Me with Odin the Raven, photo by Ben Coulson

Thought I’d update you on our very handsome corvid, Odin the Raven. He’s now coming up to 4 months old and has the most spectacular feathers, a photograph doesn’t do him justice, he is so glossy and has a stunning blue/black sheen… and look at the size of him now!

As I mentioned in an earlier article, Things You Didn’t Know About Raising A Raven, providing foraging toys and ...

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Introducing Bird Tricks Fan and Blogger Chrissann Nickel and Her 3 Toco Toucans!

Hi, my name is Chrissann Nickel, also known as “The Toucan Lady” from Adventures in Toucanland. I’ve been a big Bird Tricks fan for about a year now, shortly after I adopted my three adult Toco toucans – Paco, Paz, and Pepe (otherwise known as the “Three-Cans”) in June 2011.

I am really excited about this new blog series we are beginning, sharing the successes of others who have overcome behavioral problems using the Bird Tricks training program. I ...

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Keeping Our Parrots Safe In The Cage

Because of its construction, this swing from will last forever and help keep your parrot safe in the cage.

Earlier this summer, within roughly a 10 day period, there were 3 separate incidents posted on our Facebook page that described parrots becoming entangled in their toys. I heard of another incident of entanglement from a different source just last week.

In two of the four cases, the neck was caught in a toy part, posing a serious strangulation threat. Fortunately, the owners of all of the birds were home at ...

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Let Someone With Experience Hand Feed And Wean Your Baby Bird

Cockatiel photo by Anna Sloan

The amount of people who are taking on the responsibility of handfeeding and weaning their baby birds seems to have reached epic proportions this year. What’s going on? The information warning people against doing this is everywhere.

Recently, I got an email regarding someone who wanted to know how to wean her fully grown, feathered and fledged bird. <sigh> She has no idea how to do it – she has no idea that she should have started the process some time back – but here she is ...

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