Is Your Parrot’s Peeling Beak Normal?

A bird’s beak serves more purpose that just about any other part of its outer anatomy. Aside from its obvious function during meals, it is used for climbing and it acts as a “hand” as it explores its world. It can snap a tree branch in half and then gently feed a chick in the nest. A bird would surely struggle without its beak.

Like our nails, a beak is made of keratin. And like our nails, beak tissue is continually growing. Normally, if a bird is on a good diet, a healthy beak will take care of itself. As ...

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Keeping a Visual Health Bird Diary

Male eclectus parrot - right wing.

There have been a few questions on the BirdTricks Facebook wall lately, asking about health record keeping. The question is basically what information is useful? In terms of written records, the answer is: it helps to keep a notebook where you record the date, your bird’s weight (in grams) and note any obvious behavioural changes.

I thought I’d share a couple of extracts of another type of record that I ...


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Learning To Care For A Dove

White dove

It is no wonder that the dove is the universal symbol of love and peace. They have the most tranquil and gentle spirit. Their cooing vocalizations are pleasantly laid back and mellow. There is simply nothing about this bird not to love.

The Womachs have left their dove in my care while they are away. Ari, so named by the fans on the Birdtricks facebook page, is the easiest bird I have ever cared for – it almost seems too easy. To be sure that I give Ari the ...

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Cuddling Your Bird: The Pros and Cons

Ché and Esteban, Hahn's Macaws, photo by Ben Coulson

I’m guessing the majority of you probably enjoy a cuddle with your parrot now and then, whether it’s a big hug right to your chest or your face, or perhaps just offering them a nice snuggly head scratch. Whilst ‘snuggle time’ can be beneficial to both you and your bird, there are some pros and cons to be aware of.

Because the parrots I work with at the Tropical Butterfly ...

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What A GOOD Vet Exam Should Look Like

Male cockatiel, DeeDee

I took Tinky and DeeDee, the last two remaining of my flock of cockatiels, to the vet the other day. They are about 18 now and, though they have been in good health, I have been noticing the signs of old age approaching for some time.

Though he has been active and vocal and his droppings and appetite have been good, DeeDee hasn’t been himself lately. He has been extra moody (he’s always been a little moody) and I haven’t liked the way he has been perching: almost ...

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The Lorikeet Diet

Rainbow Lorikeet eating Eucalyptus flowers.


People who work with lorikeets tend to regularly complain about their bird’s poo. It’s a runny, sticky, noxious substance, that I half-jokingly argue has the corrosive power to melt concrete. If that’s not bad enough – lorikeets happily shoot it on a 45-degree angle. None of this business of a nice clean drop straight through a grille at the base of a cage! Lorikeets are happiest if they can “paint” nearby walls.


That’s an ...


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