Is Red Palm Oil REALLY Good For Your Parrot?

Camelot macaw

Maybe it’s my suspiscious nature, but whenever a doctor or vet “highly recommends” a name brand product (especially if they sell it), I think twice. To be fair, I must acknowedge that many may carry products because they truly beileve in their health benefits. But there are also those who carry products, and push them, because it benefits their bank accounts.

Many medical professionals receive kickbacks for promoting certain brands of products. (A kickback is a payment of money, favors or something else of value offered in exchange for pushing ...

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Keeping Lorikeets

I didn't chew on it!


The corrosive powers of lorikeet poo are truly amazing. There are days when it literally seems to eat away concrete. More amazing though, is the way a lorikeet can aim on a 45-degree angle. They are quite capable of painting any wall that is near their aviary and often seem to be doing so intentionally. You hear people say they’re messy and I guess from the human perspective they are, but they do ...


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Is Your Local Parrot Rescue Really A “Rescue”?

blue throated and camelot macaws

I write this post reluctantly. I want to be careful not to cast doubt and suspicion onto the many great, reputable parrot organizations out there. I don’t want to scare you away from donating money or otherwise contributing to your local rescue, but I DO want you to take a look at it before you do so, and especially if you are thinking about relinquishing your bird.

In a previous post, I listed these criteria for a good rescue:

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Training Parrots in 30 Seconds or Less

Esteban, Hahn's Macaw

You may already have a set time when you have a ‘training session’ with your bird, but if you struggle to make time for a training session, this should be a useful post! If you want to train your parrot or other bird to do something new, or you’re refining/tidying up a trick they can sort of do already, you don’t necessarily have to spend tonnes of time to achieve your goal.

Little and often! That’s basically ...

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Why It’s Important To Let Your Parrot Be A Parrot

Blue throated macaw

Knowing that I love to read, Jamie left some books for me that she had read while on the road. I want to share with you a thought provoking part of a forward (written by Stephen Fry) in one of those books titled “The Book Of Animal Ignorance – Everything You Think You Know Is Wrong” by John Lloyd and John Mitchinson:

“Animals all have this in common with one another: unlike humans they appear to spend every minute of every hour of every day of their lives being ...

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Is Your Bird Fat? How to Tell and How to Fix it.

“Oh wow, you’re just soooooo fat,” my Eclectus Pepi has started saying to people in a very despairing voice. My voice. He picks his audience too. I have one relative who is particularly concerned with her appearance so naturally she is his favourite target. As he uses my voice – I’m the one that gets the blame for being rude. How dare I teach my bird to say that to her???


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