Should I Get My Hormonal Bird A Mate?

Blue and gold macaw

Q: My bird has been biting me a lot lately and I was told that it was because of hormones. What are hormones doing to my bird? Does she need a “boyfriend”?
Shannon M., Ithica, NY

A: In the Northern Hemisphere, we are in the thick of the spring season and birds residing in this area are probably acting a bit “off”. That may be an incredible understatement in some households. The Southern Hemisphere may be noticing the milder effects that resurface with many species in the fall.

No ...

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A Cockatiel Dies Because Of Improper Cage Bar Spacing


I was on the phone this morning consoling a woman who had lost her beloved cockatiel earlier in the week. A mutual friend had put me in touch with her because they felt her story was one I should share with you…

Cindy purchased Benji the cocakatiel about 7 years ago from a pet store. She brought him home in a flimsy wire cage that was meant for a parakeet. It wasn’t long before Cindy and Benji became the best of friends and she went online in search of information about ...

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The Threat of Wild Birds

Wild Rose-breasted cockatoos

As someone who genuinely loves birds, I’d have to say one of the best parts of living in Australia is being able to see the wild birds on a daily basis. I’m very lucky because there are a lot of different types of wild parrots that live in the area surrounding my house. That said though, as someone who has domestic parrots – wild birds are a serious problem for me.


Working in wildlife rescue, I attend ...


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Why Weighing Your Bird Could Save Its Life

During the last spreecast, Chet mentioned that scales were now available in the store. While he was talking, I wondered if everyone watching had a good understanding of why it is SO important that we regularly weigh our birds. If there are any questions, this post will answer them.

To begin, I need to explain that birds, with great skill, hide their illnesses. This is necessary for the survival of wild birds and for the survival of their flock. Predators will target the young and ...

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Can I Keep Two Different Parrot Species In One Cage?

Blue fronted amazon

Q: I have a yellow naped amazon parrot and I will be bringing home my new blue and gold macaw baby in a few weeks. I live in a small house that has a small living room. Can I keep both birds together in one really big cage?
Oliver M., Paterson, NJ

A: No. It will be unsafe to keep these two species together in one cage. People often house their birds together with the expectation that they will become the best of friends. After all, they ...

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Talking Parrots Can’t Keep Your Secrets

Pepi, he's all innocence in the shower!


You can’t have secrets when you have parrots. Even when you think they can’t hear you or aren’t listening, you have to be careful about what you say. I’ve learned this the hard way more than once.
I was a bridesmaid at a wedding about a year ago. The bride and groom had been living together for a while, so it was one of those situations where they didn’t need household themed ...

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