Why You Should NOT Handle A Stranger’s Bird

I am a person that really needs to touch a bird to understand its composition. I want to feel the muscles in its chest and legs to get a sense of it’s body design. So when I see a person out with their parrot, especially if it’s a species I have little familiarity with, I have to satisfy myself with asking questions and hearing...

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Beak Grooming

Q: Is it true that I should have my bird’s beak trimmed?
 – Miles.B., Billings. MO

A:  A bird’s beak is made of keratin, the same fibrous protein that forms our nails and hair. And like our nails and hair, beaks are in a state of perpetual growth throughout life. One would think that this would necessitate a beak trim every now and again, but this is not usually the case. If your bird’s beak is normal in appearance, there is no need to have ...

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A Training Success Story

We recently received this email from a customer and just had to share it:

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!  In just a few short hours your training tips have made me love my bird again.
My African Grey had become a screamer, I think mostly from being left alone too much.  The kids are grown and I work two jobs, so she spent a lot of time alone.  When I came home she screamed constantly.  I was on the verge of finding her a new home, but hesitated ...

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We Can ALL Learn From The Mistakes Of Others

Blue and gold macaw

We all learn as we go through our lives. Some of life’s lessons are taught in the harshest of ways when someone, or something,  pays for our errors or lapses in judgment, leaving us to suffer not only loss, but guilt.

Sometimes other people’s actions are unthinkable to us. Some can be appropriately described as acts of cruelty or neglect. Others are the result of preoccupation, something we are ALL guilty of with our busy lives. We have to be careful not to condemn someone whose heart was ...

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