My Recent Parrot Bite

Galah bite (notice two beak marks on my thumb, not bleeding yet!) My most recent parrot bite was received on May 30. Parrot bites from my flock are a big deal to me as I'm always trying to do right by them which to me, means avoid ever making them feel the need to communicate their point to me with a sharp point at the end of their beak! But, i...
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My Daughter’s First Parrot Bite

My daughter's swollen pointer finger from the bite she endured from blue and gold macaw, Tiko. The inevitable happened. My 11 month old daughter got bit by a parrot. Not just any parrot - and not even one of my own - a 20+ year old blue and gold macaw. For those of you familiar with Taming, Training & Tricks you know him. His name is Tiko. ...
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Pregnancy With Parrots: At 34 Weeks And Counting

My husband and I at 33 weeks. Photography by Daniel Kuykendall. I've gotten a lot of questions about how my birds' behavior have changed since I've been pregnant. I even got an email the other day about a couple that has had to get someone else to look after their cockatoo while the wife is pregnant because the behavior had changed so drastical...
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Spotting Inappropriate Parrot Body Language

My related blog posts: Parrot Body Language Tips and Signs Parrot Body Language Visuals The how to's of body language in parrots Photo by Jamieleigh Location: Waynesboro, VA Shown: Congo African Grey "Cressi"  Cressi is known for showing inappropriate body language of becoming horny and hormonal and, and, and! However, in this picture she is ...
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The Step Back vs The Step Up

  This behavior is something I notice with my macaws, not so much my medium to small sized parrots but definitely with my macaws. If I offer my hand to them straight up to their bodies sometimes they will get put off and angry and lunge if I don't read the body language well enough telling me they'd rather not come in the first place. I also no...
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