Behind the Scenes of the ParrotFX Photoshoot

Photo by Nathan Slabaugh Location: Athol, ID Behind the scenes: Galahs "Bondi" & "Bandit" being shot by photographer Terrence Blanton Dave and I have done numerous photoshoots with our birds - every time we get a new contract, it's a new photoshoot for new promo materials and so forth. Comet, our camelot macaw, was the main attraction in ...
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Behind The Scenes With Me

I realize I haven't posted that much about my experiences with my birds in the circus thus far, I've been all over the place, blogging and not at different locations. But my blog is my favorite deep down, so I will try to give it more love and attention... This video is one of me and Jinx on a normal backstage day while waiting for his cue to ...
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