Power Washing Your Bird Cage

Photo by Jamieleigh Location: Orlando, FL Shown: Triple bird cage Not only should you be changing your bird's bottom of the cage (liner/newspaper) at LEAST once a week, but actually washing down your bird's cage is just as important. If your cage fits through your doorways, simply wheeling it outside for a nice power wash is key. If it is to...
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Bird Travel Trailer

Photo by Jamieleigh Location: Orlando, FL Shown: Bird section of travel trailer For those of you that remember my Traveling in Style post, you will appreciate this one. Originally, we equipped our trailer with enough cages to accomodate our flock when we would be traveling a bit. However, it was never meant to be "full time" traveling based on ...
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Including Your Bird in Your Daily Routine

Photo by Jamieleigh Location: Waynesboro, VA Coffee time with: Galah "Bondi" It's really important to include your bird in your daily routine as MUCH as possible. Especially if you're a very scheduled person. Finding those chores and times in the day where your bird can be a part of it all is super important and good for your bird. The more t...
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Hyacinth Macaw's Training Success

Photo by Jamieleigh Location: Orlando, FL On couch: Hyacinth Macaw "Hymie"  My original goals with Hymie when I first brought him home were: Get him eating some fresh foods. Break the bad habit of immediately running to the shoulder. Train him to let me hold his feet when he steps up on my hand.  I am pretty happy to report I accomplished ALL...
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Storm the Amazon Parrot and Me

Photo by Dave Location: Waynesboro, VA Hanging out on the deck w/me: Blue Fronted Amazon "Storm" & Pal "Dudditz" I went to see Storm from July 6-9 and it was SUCH a fun trip! I surprised him and came and said hello out on the deck where his cage is for him (the white one in the background) where he gets lots of interaction in the morning ...
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Hyacinth Macaw Showers

Photo by Jamieleigh Location: Orlando, FL Wet Bird: Hyacinth Macaw "Hymie"  Hymie took his first shower with me within the first week of his stay. I was super happy because it is so hot here in Florida during the summer months and I was thinking he really needed one to cool down. I tried 2 times unsuccessfully before this. I approached Hymie ...
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