Training Birds to go Upside Down

Photo by David Location: Orlando, FL Upside down: Galah"Bondi"  The first bird I ever trained to go upside down and do the "bat" was my galah, Bondi, who is currently 4 years old. The second bird I trained to do the bat impression was my blue throated macaw, Jinx, and most recently I trained my 1.5 year old Congo African Grey parrot, Cressi, ...
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Birds Need Their Own Space

Photo by Jamieleigh Location: Orlando, FL In aviary: Camelot Macaws "Comet" & "Tusa" When my three macaws were under 1 year old, they shared an aviary outside. They did really well together and hardly ever fought. I made sure food dishes were plentiful, water was always around and high perches were even and there were many for everyone. N...
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Playful Parrot Pile!

Photo by Dave Location: Orlando, FL Bird pile: Camelot Macaws "Comet" & "Tusa", Blue Throat Macaws "Zoey" & "Jinx" So recently my flock got to meet Zoey, the newest freeflight student! It was a playful mess of fun with her around! She wasn't at all intimidated by the "older" birds (I still think of them as babies) and joined right in ...
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Using Play Time to Encourage Behaviors for Tricks

Photo by Jamieleigh Location: Orlando, FL Shown: Macaw "Jinx" One of the tricks that is a must for me to train, is getting the bird to lay on its back in my hands. That behavior or "trick" just means the world to me and I love achieving it with my birds. I recently trained my blue throat macaw to do it and he is SO good at it now. It's one of...
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Hyacinth Macaw or Goose?

One of the sounds that a hyacinth macaw makes is a "honking" sound like a goose would make. It took me by surprise when Hymie first did it, and luckily this video was caught of me bringing him back to his owners and he was honking a bunch in the video! As you may be able to tell since people are calling him a goose in the video, hehe. Article...
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Unique Bird Names

Photo by David Location: Waynesboro, VA Shown: Blue Throated Macaw "Jinx"  My amazing friend Jeannie (whose Amazon parrot I took in for 45 days...) recently got VERY into outdoor freeflight with her parrots along with her friend, Sheri, and her husband, John. I absolutely LOVE going on freeflight trips with them whether it's in Florida, Virgi...
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