My Guardian Angel Bird

Photo by Glen Location: Moab, UT My wings: Galah "Bandit" I was pretty thrilled about Glen catching this shot of me and my galah, Bandit, in Moab, Utah. Everyone says it looks like I have wings and I think I'm lucky enough to say that Bandit is my complete guardian angel... er... bird. He really looks out for me and sticks up for me and I do ...
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Dive Bombing Parrot

Photo by Dave Location: Palm Springs, CA Dive bomber: Galah "Bandit"  My parrot Bandit is SO much fun to fly outdoors. He is a chaotic little man that loves his fun and games. Indoors, we play a game where I pretty much throw him like a football into the air and he closes his wings tight to his body and DROPS as fast as he can, opening his wi...
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Birds Need Real Sunlight

Photo by Dave Location: Palm Springs, CA Birds: Blue throat "Jinx" and Galah "Bandit"  It's so important for our pet parrots to receive real, raw, natural sunlight... and I don't mean just through a window. If you think about what they get in the wild, you will realize how LITTLE they get in your home. It's a necessary vitamin they really NEE...
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Freestyle Flyer's Club in California

Photo by Gilbert Location: Palm Springs, CA The Freestyle Flyer's Club is all about people interested in freeflight training their parrots for the outdoors and Dave and I try to visit as many places as we possibly can to share the gift of freeflight with everyone through our YouTube channel and our Facebook and Instagram accounts. If you are in...
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Parrot Attacks Police

Photo by Jamieleigh Location: Musha Cay, Bahamas Fighting: Blue and gold macaws "Chayko" & "Jersey" It's not every day a celebrity parrot makes it in the news! You can read the article here. Article by Jamieleigh Womach. She has been working with parrots and toucans since the age of 17. She isn’t homeless but is home less than she prefers...
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Getting Your Parrot to Be Mellow...

Photo by Dave Location: Cruise Ship Backstage Preening pal: Congo Grey "Cressi"  I love to spend quality time building my bond with my parrots, but sometimes they are just so high maintenance that it makes it on the line of miserable. I don't want to always be "baby sitting" my birds, I'd like to just have us both do our own thing and be happ...
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