Weigh Your Bird Often - Here's How!

If you don't already know why you should weigh your bird, read the following;  Why weighing your bird could save its life I take this to heart; our birds are the loves of our lives and utterly our livelihood. I thank God for their good health every day because it's impossible to forgot how destroyed I feel when their health is anything less. ...
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Weaning Baby Birds: Not For the Inexperienced

Photo by Daniel Kuykendall Location: Moah, UT Pictured: Sun conures "Phoebe" & "Detka" I’ve been thrilled to have my baby girls back; Lily, Phoebe and Detka. However, the first two nights with them I literally had my own set of ‘night frights’. I literally went to bed worried about them, and woke up worrying about them and thought about the...
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Weighing Your Small Parrot

Photo by Jamieleigh Location: Orlando, FL Pictured: 3 Budgies I'm a stickler about weighing my own birds anytime I have them out and a scale is nearby. I have charts devoted to recording their weights. And most of my birds weights are memorized based on their "stuffed full" weight and working weights. Then they all have an average weight when...
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Hymie the Hyacinth Weighs in and Eats Papaya

After leaving Hymie's cage open for him, we found him on top of our toucan's cage perching peacefully and looking proud of himself. He had to fly to get out of his cage, and he has been a FLYING MACHINE lately! He is loving getting himself around via his wings. He's now flying to and from the foraging tree, to and from Dave and me, and to and fr...
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