Start Socializing Your Bird Early On

Photo by Jamieleigh Location: Sandpoint, Idaho Holding: Baby Camelot Macaws "Tusa" and "Comet"   For the holidays I went to my parents' house. Now... my parents aren't really bird people. My mom had birds as a kid (lovebird, parakeet and cockatiel) and my dad had none. He's pretty intimidated by parrots in general, actually (more-so macaws).   ...
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Getting Your Parrot Into a Travel Cage

Photo by Jamieleigh Location: Las Vegas, NV In Travel Cage: Blue Throated Macaw "Jinx"   Getting your parrot to go into a travel cage can be pretty rough sometimes... especially when you haven't done it except for to take your bird to the vet, which isn't the best experience of your bird's life...   My parrots are just fine going into their tra...
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